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The castle grounds were bustling with teachers and students getting ready for the annual quidditch cup. It was only a month away and things still had to be done. 

 This year, Kim Taehyung managed to get his house, Ravenclaw, to the big event. However, it wasn't going to be an easy win. Especially when he was up against house Slytherin and their golden seeker, Jeon Jungkook.

It didn't help that all of the students were anticipating for Jungkook to find the snitch and win the big game. 

This was his last year in Hogwarts. After six consecutive wins, Slytherin has remained at the top. 

 It was a very historic time for Slytherin and Jungkook wasn't going to let that end, not until he finished his remaining year at the prestigious wizarding school.

That's why he upped his training when he realized he'd be competing against ravenclaw.All of these years Ravenclaw had remained on the down low. That was until Kim Taehyung became captain of the team.

This past year, the entire quidditch team for Ravenclaw was cut. Taehyung decided to re-hold tryouts, creating a worthy team to rival Slytherin.

"Don't you ever get nervous before the cup?" 

Jungkook stopped his broom, mid air, his wavy ebony locks sticking to his forehead as he looked his teammate dead in the eyes. As if on cue, the snitch fluttered by his side and on impulse, the seeker caught it without breaking eye contact. 

He was surely the best seeker Hogwarts has ever seen.

"Not really." He looked down at the snitch that was fluttering in between his fingertips. Analyzing the golden ball’s details as he spoke.

"I've done this so many times…That I know the moment I start to feel nervous or second guess myself, I'll fail. I know this game, it's been my life these past six years and there's no way I'm going to let anyone take this from me.I’m way too good for that….. and you are too."

He met Jackson's gaze before smiling, " So in short, there's no room to be nervous. We have to have faith in ourselves to prevail." 

Jackson gave a sigh of relief before nodding,” Thanks Hyung.” 

"No problem and if it makes you feel any better, you have the best seeker in the history of Hogwarts on your team. So don't sweat it."

The two looked at each other before laughing. 

“Let’s get our asses moving, we have a cup to win.” The seeker prompted as he turned around and released the golden snitch.
They continued their practice for the rest of the evening un-interrupted. If only they knew underneath the stands was Kim Taehyung and a few other raven claws conspiring against the seeker.

“He’s smiling now but let’s see how he’ll behave after tomorrow’s affairs..” 

“Park! Hey--wait up!” 

The silver haired prefect stopped in the hallway, books clutched against his chest as he turned around causing his black and red robe to swoosh in the air. His uniform adorned the crest of Gryffindor, the most notable house in all of Hogwarts.

 Even after years of receiving numerous house points for Gryffindor, he was still an outcast. Agreeing to become a prefect was his last chance to gain some friends before his last year ended. So here he was, shocked to see the captain of Ravenclaw’s quidditch team, Kim Taehyung, calling out his name. 

“Wow! You’re a fast one.”

Jimin bit his lip as he scratched the back of his neck. He was surprised Taehyung was even talking to him. They had been in the same year all this time without the captain ever sparing a glance to the scholar.

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