Chapter 3

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Once back at the scrapyard Bumblebee explained the situation to Jetstorm and Slipstream while they were all sad about Knock Out.

"When I find Starscream I'm going to kill him." Arcee told the others.

"Arcee it's not Starscream's fault he's lost his memory and thinks he's a Con again and isn't himself right now." Said Sideswiped.

"Memory or not he didn't have to kill Knock Out!" Strongarm yelled agreeing with Arcee.

"He's gonna feel horrible when he gets his memory back and learns what he did, this is really Airachnid's fault Starscream and Drift are still our friends they just don't know it right now and we need to get them back." Bumblebee told the others.

"If we destroy the relic it should restore their memories." Explained Ratchet who had looked up the relic after getting Knock Out's transmission earlier.

"Then we have to find where Airachnid is keeping the relic so we can save Starscream and our Sensei." Said Slipstream and Jetstorm nodded in agreement.

"We'll save Drift not Starscream he has to pay for what he did and he's evil that will never change." Arcee growled before storming off.

Arcee walked near a lake that wasn't far from the scrapyard thinking back to her last exchange with Knock Out regretting her last words to him.

"Is this a private party or can anyone join? Asked Blackarachnia who had followed Arcee.

"It's ok I was just thinking." The two wheeler replied.

"So how do you think Starscream will feel when he gets his memory back and learns what happened?" Blackarachnia then questioned.

"Nothing monsters don't have feelings." Arcee hissed.

"So is Starscream a monster because he killed Knock Out and Cliffjumper or because he used to be a Decepticon?"

"All of the above." Arcee interrupted.

"But I'm sure both sides took lives I mean it was a war, but tell me will killing the killers bring back the victims?" Blackarachnia asked.

Arcee didn't have an answer for that.

"I just know I'm going to make Starscream pay." Arcee said before walking back to the scrapyard.

"But is that what Cliffjumper or Knock Out would want?" Blackarachnia asked but Arcee was already out of earshot.

Blackarachnia shook her helm. "Revenge is just like poisoning yourself and waiting for it to kill your enemies." She thought.

Meanwhile in the crown city sewer a pair of ruby colored optics opened and looked around then the bot tried to set up but yelped in pain grasping their injured shoulder, then heard pedsteps approaching.

Knock Out's optics darted towards where the pedsteps we're coming from and saw Starscream carrying some supplies, And smiled upon seeing that he was awake.

"Good your awake." Starscream said relief evadent in the seeker's voice.

Then what happened came back to the Austin Martin.


"Go back to tell Airachnid mission accomplished I'll take him from here." Starscream told Deadlock who then headed back as a weak and badly injured Knock Out watched him go.

"Now to end this." Starscream said aiming his missiles.

"No Starscream please!" Knock Out pleaded in tears seeing that his best friend was about to kill him.

But suddenly Starscream used his claws to slash Knock Out's Autobot symbol while also firing his missiles into the air with his other servo and Knock Out blacked out having fainted from a combination of shock and Energon loss.

"Scrap!" He heard Starscream yell in a panic before fully going unconscious.

(Flashback ends.)

"I'm glad your alright you scared me when you passed out." Starscream told his friend.

"But I thought you lost your memory from that relic?" Knock Out asked him.

"It didn't hit me but since Airachnid couldn't see I pretended it did so she wouldn't try another shot I'm gonna keep faking it till I can get to the relic so I can destroy it and save Drift and maybe capture Airachnid while I'm at it." Starscream explained.

"I had to pretend to kill you so Drift wouldn't and unfortunately we have to let the others think your dead so Airachnid doesn't find out your alive because not only would she probably try to finish you but it would blow my cover and even if I could escape and pervert her from killing you there's no telling what she might do to Drift." The seeker finished.

"True Autobots are really bad actors so we need to let them think I'm dead so their reactions are real." Knock Out agreed. "But I hate tricking the team this way."

"Me too, but it's the only way for me to get close enough to Airachnid to stop her and to keep you and Drift safe." Starscream said letting his wings drop.

"I'm sorry it also means I can't get you to a proper medbay." Starscream apologized looking at his friend's damage.

Then he took out some medical supplies. "I did manage to get some tools though and Airachnid and Deadlock are currently in recharge so I was able to sneak off and can use this time to repair any serious damage to you if you talk me through it." The seeker told the sports car.

"I would have gone for the relic but Airachnid his it because she doesn't trust me with it as many time as I tried to betray Megatron she fears I'll do the same to her." Starscream added.

"Well you do have a reputation." Knock Out teased him.

"True." Starscream agreed. Then got to work patching Knock Out up the best he could as the red medic talked him through the hard stuff.

Then he was finished and Knock Out explained that he would still need time to recover then he could fix the other minor injuries himself.

And Starscream gave him some Energon he'd gathered enough to leave down there so Knock Out could stay hidden there and have enough to refuel with for at least a couple of weeks.

Then gave him some paint and a buffer knowing he would want to fix his paint job and apologized for having to slash his symbol but it was important to make sure he wouldn't be tracked down and he would have to stay in the sewer where he would be shielded so his life signal wouldn't pop back up.

Then Starscream had to go so Airachnid and Deadlock wouldn't miss him and he could try to get a little bit of recharge before morning.

"Thanks for saving me Screamer." Knock Out thanked his friend for saving his life.

"Anytime Doctor." Starscream replied before taking off.

To Be Continued.

Hope this chapter turned out OK the dialogue was really hard to come up with, And I'd like to thank my friend hannahconkle for helping me decide on part of it, I'll try to get the next chapter up soon In the meantime feel free to send feedback.

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