Chapter 6

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Airachnid looked at the two webbed up mechs and smirked evilly.

"Now let see which of you should I kill first?" She said mockingly as she walked between the berths Starscream and Knock Out we're webbed too.

She didn't notice that Knock Out had managed to transform one of his digits into a torch that he was slowly using to burn though the webs, And the red medic winked at Starscream while she wasn't looking at him.

"Since you really messed up my plans I think I'll start with Starscream." Airachnid decided and approached the seeker then started using her acid on his wings to torture him.

Starscream continued to was struggling against the webs and moaning in agony as he felt the acid touch his wings.

Knock Out was struggling to use his torch to free himself so he could help his brother.

"I thought you were stronger then this Starscream your a lot more sensitive then I thought." Airachnid mocked the seeker as she continued to damage his wings with her acid. "Let see if I can make you Breakdown."

Suddenly Knock Out who had just managed to free himself lunged at Airachnid without even bothering to remove the webs from his mouth yet nothing every second counted and he didn't have time to waste.

But Airachnid dodged as if expecting it, having noticed Knock Out freeing himself and had even said Breakdown just to mess with him wanting to toy with the red medic.

Starscream could only watch in horror as Airachnid used one of her legs to stab Knock Out in the shoulder and roughly yank it out before knocking him to the other side of the medbay and ran over to where he went.

Then Starscream heard her use her webs again but was still stuck on his berth and couldn't see what was going on.

The seeker was trying desperately to use his claws to free himself wanting to save his brother, he could hear Knock Out letting out muffled cries of pain but couldn't see what Airachnid was doing to him.

The seeker started letting out muffled cries of his own begging for help and pleading for Airachnid to stop it, afraid she was killing his brother and best friend.

Suddenly he heard blaster fired coming from the part of the scrapyard that was on the side of the medbay where Knock Out and Airachnid were, followed by the sound of metal against metal.

Then the next thing Starscream knew Drift was there cutting him free, once he was loose Starscream jumped up and saw Arcee who was fighting Airachnid, So he took the opportunity to run over to where he saw Knock Out was webbed to the ground and quickly got the webs off his brother.

And was relieved to see that he was alive and seemed ok other than where he had been stabbed and a few burns from Airachnid's acid.

"Are you ok?" Starscream asked as soon as he got the webs off Knock Out's mouth.

"Yeah my shoulder hurts and I'll probably have at least a few weeks of detailing to do and probably need to give my paint job a complete overhaul but I'll live." Knock Out replied not sounding happy about what Airachnid had done to his finish.

"Yeah he's gonna be fine." Starscream thought but didn't say out loud.

"What about you are your wings ok?" Knock Out asked knowing a seeker's wings are sensitive.

"Yeah I think they'll be fine." Starscream reassured him. "But I might have you or Ratchet check them later."

"Yeah I think we should both get checked out." Knock Out agreed.

Then they saw that Arcee was still fighting Arachnid and decided to help along with Drift.

"Hey Spider freak!" Both Starscream and Knock Out yelled at once.

Airachnid looked at them surprised and distracted just like they had planned.

Suddenly Drift jumped out with his sword but Airachnid dodged it only to jump right into the path of Arcee blaster fire receiving a blast right through the spark chamber and was killed instantly.

Everyone was shocked because Drift was supposed to just stab her in the shoulder so they could capture her and they hadn't planned on killing her, but they were glad she couldn't hurt anyone ever again.

Then everyone else showed up having heard the commotion and wanted to see what was going on.

"Oh men looks like I missed the good part." Said Megatron who arrived first and saw Airachnid dead on the floor. "I wanted to get at least one swing at her."

Later after Starscream and Knock Out had Ratchet look at them he said they would both be fine having only received minor injuries with the worst one being Knock Out's shoulder where Airachnid had stabbed him which was only a mesh wound.

And Starscream would have to wait a few weeks for his wings to heal before he could fly again.

Arcee apologize to Starscream and Knock Out for how she had treated them before, and Megatron apologized to Starscream for the abuse he had put the seeker through during the war.

And Starscream forgave him and both Starscream and Knock Out forgave Arcee, and Knock Out thanked her for saving him from Airachnid who had been about to kill him before she started fighting her.

"Well wouldn't want to lose you again." Arcee told Knock Out as she hugged him then kissed him on the cheek.

Everyone was glad to have their friends back and that they were all getting along.

The End.

Sorry if this ending was a bit rushed it was all I could come up with, I hope it turned out ok, and that you all enjoyed it.

Thanks for reading.

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