Chapter 5

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Isabellas POV

"So what are you guys exactly" Bella stated as I was visiting her in Miami since I hadn't seen her in a few weeks

"Friends with benefits? Idk but we are def not back together" i said as we had went out to dinner

"Does anyone other than me knows"

"No and I plan on having it that way

"Didn't you and Roman went on a few dates

"Anything else i can get for you guys"

"Uh just the check please"

"Of course I'll be right back"

30 mins later

We were back at my house

"Wanna go to the beach"

"Ok well let me get ready"

20 mins later
Me and bella were at the beach walking we had other friends with us we took some pictures and played around for around 2 hours then we went back to my house

20 mins later Me and bella were at the beach walking we had other friends with us we took some pictures and played around for around 2 hours then we went back to my house

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⚪️⚪️⚪️⚪️🔘Caption-<<late night beach walks Tags-@bellahadid

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Caption-<<late night beach walks

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We had gotten back to my house and watched movies


It was Friday i was staying in Nashville till Sunday Bella decided to go with me I hear a knock at the door I go and open it it was Roman

"Hey can I talk to you?" I nod I tell bella I'll be back in a bit and I walk out it was me and Roman in a deserted hallway of the hotel

"Why didn't you tell me you and Seth were talking again?"

"I didn't think I should have to tell you?" I said while he looked kind of mad "how did you even find out?"

"He's been telling everyone in the locker room" I roll my eyes of course he would "I'll talk to you later" he said as he left I also left back to the my room

"So what happened?"

"He found out about me and Seth" I said as I laid down on the the bed

"Was he mad"

"He kinda looked mad idk why tho"

"Maybe he has feelings for you idk just a guess" Bella said sarcastically

"No, no way he does he can't be over his old relationship that fast" maybe he did had feelings for me 

Short chapter sorry I haven't updated I've been kinda busy

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