Chapter 7

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Isabella's POV

(Big time skip from august to December)
It has been few months since Summeslam I'm still champion me and Seth started dating a few days after summerslam

We were on a date in Tampa as we were here for wrestling

"I think we should break up"he said out of the blue I put my fork down and look at him like he's kidding but he looks serious "your joking right you bring me on a date just to break up with me?"

"I just been thinking for a while and I don't think this is something I want or that's going to work out"I nod I grab my jacket putting it on I grab my purse as I stand up "where are you going?"

"Back to the hotel to grab my things and head back to Miami" "why?" I just laugh "you expect me to stay here after you just told me you wanted to break up you are a joke" I walk out the restaurant

I walk out and quickly remembered Seth had driven us to the restaurant I decided to call my friend to see if they were in Tampa

Isabella:hey are you in Tampa?
??:yeah why?
Isabella:i was wondering if you can pick me up? I'm outside of Flemings
??:oh yeah im actually like almost right around the corner from there I'll be there in a few
Isabella:k thank you

I hang up as I see Colby come out the restaurant

"At least let me drive you back" "no someone is picking me up" as I said that the person pulls up a few feet away from us he got out the car "really your leaving with him"

"You have not right to tell me who to leave with we are no longer dating so what's the problem?" I don't give him a chance to answer as Michael comes up to us he rolls his eyes at Colby "you ready to leave" I nod me and him walk back to the car and get in

"What happened?" "I am single now" he chuckles "let me guess?broke up with you on a date?" I nod "what a scumbag. Where do you want me to take you?" "Hotel to get my things and get myself a new room since I'm flying to Miami tomorrow morning" "you can stay in my house if you want?"


30 minutes later

We had just gotten to Michaels house

"I'll show you to the guest room" he leads me upstairs and into the guest bedroom "thank you again for letting stay here" "anything for a friend. Hey there's a party at a club near here tonight wanna go to it it might get you distracted from tonight?"

"Sure give me thirty minutes to get ready" he nods

About half an hour later

I finished getting ready I went downstairs

"Can you drive? I already drank a little bit while you were getting ready" I nod he hands me the keys to his g wagon and we head outside he gave me the directions to the club once we got there paparazzis had somehow found out we're we were and we're already waiting for us

Next day
Michael was driving me to the airport as I was looking at articles about me and him when paparazzi's had found us

Next day Michael was driving me to the airport as I was looking at articles about me and him when paparazzi's had found us_____________________________

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