the break up

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He wished me a happy international gf day. And we began to call each other love. I was the happiest I've ever been, but then August 12th came, i got a text from his friend saying that Noah no longer wanted to be with me. And then I got a text from him saying it was true, turns out he liked other girls and wanted to ask one out. And just like that Its over. But I'm not okay, my mom caught me crying asking what happened, how do I explain to her that "scooter boy" was my Valentine, that i dated him in March, that i was fucking dating him since July 21st, and that it was over, that i probably fucked up my friendship with him the second i said " Stop being a fucking dick and dating people just to fucking dump them after a couple of weeks just so that you can go and ask someone new out. And get A FUCKING HOBBY YOU LYING PEIECE OF SHIT, Im surprised i was that stupid to actually think it was going to last and that you weren't going to fucking make someone tell me you didn't want to be together anymore. Why can't you just ever say something yourself instead of asking others. Why are you like this Why do you do this I really truely cared about you. I hope you realize how much of an asshole you are one day"  i have four classes with him, i was happy that i had four of the same classes with him and now I might just cry every time I see him, knowing that our relationship probably wasn't even real to him if it was that easy to fall out of love and already wants to replace it with another girl.

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