a final paragraph

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Lily thought for hours about what to say to him. She didn't want him to leave and stop being her friend. so she made one last paragraph. "This is my final paragraph to you before I say goodbye for good and let you go. I wanted to say thank you. Thank you for making my life better. Before i met you i always hated the idea of falling in love, but when i met you i had just instantly liked you, you made so happy you made me laugh, you made me feel alive, you made me feel as if i could be a good person, you made me feel as if i could tell you anything. You were the one person who didn't make me regret anything. I first liked you on october 9th, and I never really told you until december. I had made you guess and it was funny, then you became my valentine and I never did give you the fake roses. And we dated for a while in March until early April. I remember I tried talking to you all the time. And then on july 21st we started dating again. It was as if I was dreaming, you were all I ever wanted, you made me so happy and then I started calling you love. And now it's our break up. So I just wanted you to know a lot of things I never did tell you because I thought you would think I was being too serious. So on the 21st i was planning on giving you a gift with flowers and notes and a necklace and a lot of other stuff and i thought we could watch the sunset together near our bus stop on the hill, i don't know why i just wanted to do something special that day since it would be the 1st month we began dating, i wish you knew how much i loved you. I wish you knew how much I wanted to talk to you every single day. I wish you knew that I would always talk about you to my friends during art. I wish you knew that I really cared for you . but this is now our final goodbye in this weird circle of love that we were in for so long  and now we just see each other as friends or strangers but nothing more anymore. I never thought that in just less than a year all this chaos would happen but I'm glad it did happen. you inspired my life so much. Goodbye my dear ex lover I love you in every universe maybe in another world it was meant to be. But just know i’ll never stop loving you until my heart stops beating, i love you" after he read it all he said was "goodbye ex love" she sat there holding back tears it's painful knowing it ended like this.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2022 ⏰

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