♡First day First chapter♡

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3rd person

It was the first day of hell. After being kicked out of his abusive parents house atsushi was accepted into a university on full scholarship whitch he was very grateful about scene as though he was all on his own now. He could just barely scrounge up enough money for text books and a uniform but that's besides the point.

He walked through the gates of the school, silver gates that shone like crystal in the sun. The green trees swayed in the summer winds.

Atsushi kept his head down, avoiding any eye contact he could while also looking around for room 206, his homeroom. From what be had heard the teacher was strict, Atsushi was nervous but still pushed open the door to the classroom and walked in next to a brunette who he assumed would be one of his peers. He gave a warm smile, receiving one back and quickly walking to the back of the class to take a seat.

He stared for a few moments before seeing the brunette walk to the desk in front of the class. ' Is he some sort of class clown or is that the teacher? ' Atsushi let his mind wander to questions about who this man was.

Seeing a smirk rise on who he now assumed was the teachers face atsushi looked away a little bit more red than when he had arrived. How long had he been staring? Looking around the room he noticed that most of the seats where now full.

Class went on like any normal first day. Introductions, a syllabus, and some info about the class that most people weren't listening to.

But whenever dazai turned to the class to explain something or answer a question his eyes always landed on another's.  A sunset of violet and a rich gold. Each time they made eye contact the boy would look away flustered. Cute. No. Adorable.

Minutes felt like hours but the bell rang and the students left the classroom, meaning that dazai no longer had to listen to students saying anything along the lines of how attractive he was or how their glad he's their age. To be completely honest it made him sick. Dazai completed some paper work at his desk. That is until he got painfully bored and walked into the library, how that would be ant better even he had no clue. But he was glad he. Pushing through the dark doors he spotted someone on a ladder. It was him. Atsushi
(Durring attendance he found out the boys name was atsushi. )

He looked calm, peaceful even. The long strand in his uneven hair swayed with each move he made. ' wait am I...Gay? ' dazai wondered while he admired the boys natural beauty.

When atsushi turned and noticed dazai he almost fell off the ladder. 'Why is he here? Oh god did I do something wrong? ' he panicked. Climbing down from the ladder he attempted to avoid eye contact and walked past him. Simple as that. What else was he supposed to do? If a teacher was in there it probably ment they had more important things to do than talk with some kid in their class.

Dazai looked... Disappointed? It's not like he knew what to say even if he did speak to him but he still got his hopes up, like an idiot.

Days and days went on like this. Awkwardly staring at each other and then atsushi turning away.

How are you supposed to get closer to someone if they won't even look at you without getting flustered and turning away?

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