ᴀ ɴᴏʀᴍᴀʟ ᴅᴀʏ,ɪ ᴛʜɪɴᴋ..

21 2 0

my name is a maklika,a really fucking weird name you could say?
im 16, living in 2022.
they say it's supposed to be the best year of humanity.
everything seems perfect.
everyone is living their best life, friends,highschool,teenage years,barely any racism or hate,it seems too good to be true.

but no matter how i try to look at this world I can't find myself to be happy,it just doesnt make sense.
why does everyone think this is a cute beautiful place,a fairy tail,when its really tragic and sad?
our world is full of misery, people just can't really see it.
and that my dear friends is called in this time,being close minded.

but then again,i have to fit in and act normal,it's just how life is,everyone pretending to be okay to be accepted when half of the population is dying on the inside, fucking funny ain't it?

after laying down on my bed with my disgusting sweaty pijamas and making a whole introduction in my mind like I'm in some book,i decide to get up because its the only choice i have,lmao.

maklika said in her mind,sadly no writer would actually use lmao,it's only something some dumb gen z teen would say while talking to someone or in their mind.

i slowly walk to the bathroom,with half of my braincells asleep and my eyes barely open.

i reach the bathroom door,slowly putting my hand on the door to support myself.

i stand infront of the sink,looking at myself in the small mirror.

wavy disgusting messy hair, white skin,blue bright eyes with eyebags so big they're probably bigger than my two breasts combined.

of course,you guessed it,im flat.
a flat girl is basically a childish inmature girl for boys,their stupid nature and mind,they think every girl with big boobs is their queen or something,what kind of dumbass nature is that? gen z boys are a shame.

suddenly after zooming out i feel someone put their hand on my shoulder,surprised,i slightly jump in surprise,turning around to see who the mysterious person is,ruining my peace.

ah..of course..my mother.
a shame to this world,an abusive piece of shit who thinks she can do whatever to me and that im her slave because she made me.

"what the fuck are you doing maklika??! who the fuck stares at a mirror?! are you mentally ill?! do you need to be taken to the mental hospital again?"
my mother said,with a laugh after the last part.

i look away,not knowing what to respond with.
after looking down and then looking at her again,i finally spoke.
"leave me alone mom..i just zooned out.."

i said before turning around again and ignoring her.
i washed my face with some water, basically just splashing some water on it,i unfortunately don't have the motivation to make a daily skin routine with a gazillion steps, it's just a waste of time.
it seems to help the skin though, considering the fact i get acne because of not making anything but water touch my face.

i dry my face with my towel,not even caring to check weither its dirty or not.
i go back to my room,completely exhausted from doing absolutely nothing.. every teenager is like me but somehow i feel ashamed of the fact that i do the same boring things everday.

i mean,what do you expect?? we're the worst generation.
we have no life and we stay on our phones 24/7,surpise motherfuckers!

i grab my phone from the small table next to ny bed and open it,i open discord.

ah yeah, discord.
the worst app to ever exist where you make disgusting online friends and meet people who are as toxic as acid.

i open my boyfriend's chat and text him.

"hey baby! just woke up ^^,hru?"
i type,and then send.

now what did you expect? for me to actually have no boyfriend? it's 2022! everyone needs to have their relationship or they're considered a shame to this world and someone who is ugly,with a bad personality.
and like i said,i need to fit in.

"we need to talk mak.."
he sent me.
mak is my nickname,basically short for maklika because maklika is too weird.

"yeah? wsp bby?"
i text him back.

"i found someone better,and I'm not happy with you anymore,we're over."
he texted.
as soon as I read that message it felt like my heart fell,pounding at what felt like 100 times a second,i started to have trouble breathing,instead of calmly breathing from my nose I started shaking and fighting for breaths from my mouth.

"what are you talking about?!"
I type angrily hoping that this is some sick joke.
I press send.

message not sent,hold for options.

utter silence.
tears start falling down from my eyes..I shouldn't have expected much from an online relationship..but..i loved him..he made me normal.I FUCKING HATE THIS.
I started spanking my bed violently as more and more tears fell from my eyes.

WHY?! WHY?! WHY?! WHY?! WHY?!!!

I take my pillow and cuddle with it while laying down on my bed.

I should have never woke up..if I just..slept for a little..longer..if I just never waked up..UGH.

i kept on crying and crying, tears falling down from my eyes to my pillow.
and before i knew it,my eyes shut down.
maybe my eyes got too tired from the crying and drifted to sleep.

it felt really weird..like..my eyes closed for a few seconds and then I felt a weird glowing light...
did someone make a disgusting prank where they light their flashlight literally in my eyes?
it's not funny.

I open my eyes ready to yell at whoever motherfucker is messing with me,only to find myself looking a very clear blue sky,with the glowing sun in the middle.
the sun was that source of light.

I look around to find myself laying down on..grass?? what the fuck is happening.

𝓵𝓲𝓯𝓮 𝓫𝓵𝓸𝓸𝓶𝓼 𝓵𝓲𝓴𝓮 𝓪 𝓯𝓵𝓸𝔀𝓮𝓻..Where stories live. Discover now