a 16 year old teen..
living her best life in 2022,with technology and the the human mind..
improving more and more everyday.
one day,her whole life changes,she finds herself in another place,a weird place,no humans,no technology,no electricity,just...
~I'm deeply sorry to my dear readers for the late chapter,i almost completely lost motivatian,do not worry as i am good again now..<3~
~this chapter is mostly 3rd perspective,enjoy.~
malika looked around to find herself laying down on..grass??
she lifted her back up, still sitting on the grass. looking at her legs,she realized that she was not wearing her pijama pants,instead was wearing a white long skirt.
she looked around, there was a lot of natural stuff. mushrooms,trees,all kinds of flowers,all close to eachother,all in one soil,a magnificent beautiful sight..
it was too pretty to be in the world she lives in,or more specifically the disgusting country she lives in.
the confused maklika got up,still not knowing what's happening
"maybe it's just a dream..?" she whispered to herself before pinching her arm,hoping to wake up from this weird dream,she never even really intended to sleep,she just wanted to rest her eyes.
instead of waking up,she unexpectedly felt the pain of the pinch,still sitting in that weird place on the grass.
her sensitive skin started turning red. it was all too realistic to think of as a dream.
maklika loved reading about dreams,they are like another universe for the mind to relax..a safe place where nothing is real but weirdly calming and beautiful,all made by the mind.
you could never touch anything in your dreams,it looks like you're touching something but it's all an illusion,you can't actually feel it.
she put her hands on the grass,touching it. it all felt so..real.
she started panicking,she never believed in paranormal stuff,she never believed in the fact that there is multiple universes or something,but one thing she was sure of is that this wasn't a dream.
before some tears fell from her eyes,she let out a scream. loud,letting out all the pain and confusion in her heart.
the relaxing birds on the trees flew away,scared from the scream. she waited a bit,but no one came.
no sign of human life. just her and nature.
she sighed,giving up to whatever is happening and got up again,this time walking around.
the whole place looked the same no matter how long she walked. trees,flowers,fruits,some lakes and animals. before she knew it she fell on her knees,tired from the walking. there was nothing to do now. she's stuck in a weird forest,no humans,just her and mother nature,which seemed to not be a mother yet as she didn't give birth to any humans.
maklika layed down on her side,tired and exhausted. she looked at the small lake of water beside her. she got up again,curious...
maklika looked at the crystal clear clean water,left untouched by the human hands, which seemed like a good reason to why it's clean. there she saw her reflection..
her blond always messy hair looking absolutely beautiful and wavy,way more healthier than her normal everyday hair. her skin glowing,smooth and clean like an angel. her body in a beautiful white dress with a green corset, making her body shape perfect.
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and a crown looking hat made with flowers and leafs on her head that she hadn't noticed till now. she looked like a dream..a princess.
maklika took the crown looking hat off her head and observed it. it looked beautiful,it was so magnificently shaped,with her favourite type of flowers,pink roses..
suddenly the girl forgot all her pain,her tired expression turning into a happy expression with a smile that could fill any room with happiness.
"maybe this place wasn't that bad after all..?" the girl thought in her mind.
why is she wearing this dress? why is her hair like this? who made this flower hat? how does she look like a sleeping beauty in this weird place..? like she's a whole different person than her normal world. a lot of questions that should be asked,questions that need to be thought about. but the girl didn't question any of them in her mind..she just wanted to live this moment.
maklika truly is an idiot..her broken heart finally finding a bit of happiness..she for sure didn't want to let it go..hm.
in her head,she could hear a low voice whispering somewhere deep in her mind..
"what are you doing here..?" "you should NOT be here." "what a mistake I have made."
her happy smile soon turned into a frown,trying to understand. she sighed.
"probably another hallucination,hmmmm.." the girl shaked it off. like said, maklika really is an idiot.
suddenly, she felt something fluffy touching her bare feet. she put her flower crown back on her head as she looked down..
oh! an orange kitten!
maklika smiled and picked the kitten up. "do you speak? are you the kitten that will tell my how to get out of this place like the movies?!"
the kitten looked at maklika's eyes in silence before letting out a meow. the girl sighed.
"well..i guess you're my friend now." she looked at the sky to see that sunset already came.. even though it was still pretty early,the girl felt tired.
"well i guess i have no other choice." she said,completely giving up to the idea that she's all alone here and starting to get used to talking to herself. no one will hear anyways, right?
the girl went to the nearest tree with huge leafs to protect her from the sun and layed down, with the kitten on her lap. she slightly patted the kitten before holding it up her head.
"we will stick together till we're out of here kitty, I'll name you roni." she smiled before putting the kitten down next to her to sleep.
she looked at the leafs of the tree for a bit. what has her life turned into..? she closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep..in the hope of waking up in her normal bedroom,maybe this is all a dream..