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Eve's P.O.V
I had ran and ran until I had arrived to the orphanage. I had waited outside looking at the entrance, wondering going back would be the right thing to do. What if I do go inside that hell of a orphanage, but what will happen if I go back with the rest of the guys. Nevermind about the guys, I never want to remember them. I went inside toward the front desk "hey look who is back after a year of being with those emo fuckers" said the front desk lady "whatever you bitch ass whore" I said "okay whatever you emo piece of shit" she said "you know what fuck you and this orphanage, I won't stay here" I said "then where are you going to stay dumbass" she said "somewhere" I said, I went outside and went to the park. As I was walking to the park I had bump into Kellin and his daughter "what a coincidence that we bump into each other in the same day" he said "I don't know, well my life is really bad" I said "well we are going to the park, want to come so you can tell me what happened" he said "ya sure" I said, we had all walk all the way to the park. It wasn't that far it was about five blocks away. We had both sat on the bench "so tell me what's wrong" he said "well I have no where to go" I said "you can stay with me and my bandmates, if you want" he said "thanks, and yes I will stay with you until I get my feet on the ground" I said "no problem, and stay as long as you need" he said "thank you, and if you need help with something then tell me so I could repay you for helping me in my time of need" I said "well you think you could be Copeland's babysitter when I go out for tours and stuff with the band" he said "sure I have no problem of taking care of that little cutie pie" I said "good, how about tonight" he said "sure, how old is she" I said "she is one year old" he said "well, then I have no problem with watching her" I said "ok, we should go before it gets dark" he said "okay" I said, he had pick up Copeland and started to walk to his house. I had follow him to this medium size house, he had open the door as me and Copeland had enter the house. "Hey Kellin who is this" said Jessie "this is Eve, she will be staying with us since she has no where else to go" he said "nice to meet you" said all of the guys "same here" I said "Eve is it alright you share a room with Copeland" said Kellin "ya, I have no problem against that" I said "ok, let us get the mattress to make a bed on the floor for you on the door" said Kellin "thanks, I'm going to take Copeland to her room so I could get her into some comfortable clothes and put her down for a nap" I said "okay" said Kellin, I had pick up Copeland and went upstairs to her room. I had put on some of her pajamas on her and had put her down for a nap. She wouldn't sleep so I decided to sing her a lullaby, " Hush, little baby, don't say a word.
Mama's gonna buy you a mockingbird
And if that mockingbird won't sing,
Mama's gonna buy you a diamond ring
And if that diamond ring turns brass,
Mama's gonna buy you a looking glass
And if that looking glass gets broke,
Mama's gonna buy you a billy goat
And if that billy goat won't pull,
Mama's gonna buy you a cart and bull
And if that cart and bull turn over,
Mama's gonna buy you a dog named Rover
And if that dog named Rover won't bark
Mama's gonna buy you a horse and cart
And if that horse and cart fall down,
You'll still be the sweetest little baby in town." I sang to Copeland "wow that was wonderful" said Kellin quietly "um... How long were you there" I said quietly "for about the beginning of the lullaby" he said "Um..... Thanks I guess" I said, he made a bed for me on the floor for me. I was kinda tired so I had also decided to take a little nap.

....five hours later....
I was woken up by Copeland, she had started to mess with my face. "Good afternoon noon Copeland" I said, I know she can't talk yet but she can say dude and that is pretty much it. I had pick up Copeland and went downstairs to feed her and me, I had went to the kitchen, but there was no one there. I look on the refrigerator to see there was a note.
Eve: me and the guys had went to the recording studio, watch Copeland and if anything happens call me or one of the guys-Kellin
Great the guys had all went to the recording studio and left me here alone with Copeland. I had made some Ramon noodles for me and Copeland, "here you go, but be careful it still might be hot" I said, we had both ate our noodles. After finishing our food I put some Netflix on and put on some cartoons. During the second season of the cartoon series I had gotten a call "Copeland I will be right back stay right there, I will be back" I said, she had nodded "ok stay" I said, I went into the kitchen and answered the call. "Hello" I said "hey Eve it's me Rita" she said "hey, what's up" I said "you left us that's what's up" she said "I'm sorry I was just so sick of the guys breaking promises and fighting with everyone" I said "Well I needed you, but you left me here by myself" she said "well I'm sorry, I thinking wether or not to go back, I have to go I watching Copeland, bye" I said, I hang up and went to the living room. I went toward Copeland, because she was about to jump off of the couch. Before she could fall I had caught her, then there was a knock on the door. I went to the door and had open it to see Jaime "how did you find me" I said "Rita told me that you were watching Copeland, and that is Kellin's daughter, I know because he is a good friend with Perice The Veil" he said "oh... I never knew that, well come in" I said "ok" he said, we had all sat on the couch as I continued to put on cartoons for Copeland. "So how is eveyone" I said "well they are pretty sad and mad a little at each other, and at themselves" he said "I miss you so much" I said "I know, I miss you to" he said, Copeland started to cry. "Oh, give me a minute she is tired so let me put her to sleep" I said "okay, here give her to me so you could get her bottle" he said "okay, go to her room and change her diaper for me" I said "okay no problem" he said, I went inside the kitchen a gotten her bottle ready. I went to her room to see that Jaime was changing her diaper "hey, let me see her" I said "okay here you go, she is clean for you to feed" he said "thank you for cleaning her" I said, I had gotten her and place her laying on my arms placing the bottle in her mouth. "She is cute isn't she" said Jaime "ya" I said "wouldn't you like to have a baby of our own one day" he said "I would totally love to have a baby of our own, but just not now" I said "I know,but later on" he said "ya, when we are both ready" I said "I think she is asleep" he said "ya I do to, let me place her in her crib and we will watch a movie or something" I said, I had place her in her crip lightly and went back downstairs. "Hey" said Jaime "shh, you have to be quite, or you will wake her up" I said "ok, let's do something" he said "well let's watch a movie" I said "well what movie" he said "anyone you want" I said "how about doomsday" he said "I'm fine with it" I said, he had started to play the movie. We had started cuddle closely to each other, half way through the movie we had started to make out. Then Kellin had walk in "whoa was something about to happen" he said "gods no, and don't worry about Copeland she is asleep in her room" I said "hey Eve thanks again" he said "no problem" I said "hey I'm going to go home" said Jaime "wait, you got to promise me that you will not tell anyone" I said tugging on his wrist "fine, I promise I will not tell anyone" he said "thank you" I said, before he had left we had gaven each other a goodbye kiss. I had show him the way outside to his car, once he had left I went back inside "are you serious" said Kellin "serious about what" I said "about dating Jamie, he is like my best friend" he said "so what is the problem" I said "nothing, just that you are dating my best friend" he said "you are probably weird out by this, are you" I said "no, but did anything happen while you were watching my daughter" he said "no, nothing happen but we just talk about having a kid of our own some day" I said "wow, he really likes you" he said "wow I guess he does, like me a lot, and I'm going to bed goodnight" I said, I went into the room quitely and went to sleep. I just can't wait until Jaime comes back again.

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