Chapter 4

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Maggie's POV: A week or so had passed, and OA was finally being released from the hospital today. Isobel had let us remain partners and let us have a romantic relationship between us. We were still navigating this new path for us. So we hadn't told Scola or Tiff yet. Isobel gave me the time off so I could be with OA, whether he liked it or not. I pulled up near the hospital as OA was getting wheeled out by the nurse.

I reached over and opened my door and pushed it out to where OA could hang onto it. He eased himself into my passenger seat, being careful of his shoulder. He thanked the nurse and she left with the wheelchair. We made eye contact. "Hey you," he smiled. I leaned over, "Hey yourself," I smirk, kissing him gently. "Your place or mine?" he said, pulling back from me. "Hmm, it doesn't matter," I tell him, starting my car.

He didn't know that I snuck over to his place and packed him a bag. I made the drive to my place as he was sleeping, I smiled to myself when I heard him snoring. I pulled up to my apartment, I looked over before unbuckling. He was still asleep. I got out and pulled his duffel I had brought from his place and took it inside before coming back to get him. I could see my breath in the cold New York air. It was January 24th, and it was cold.

I took his duffel into my bedroom and sat it on my bed and went back outside to get my sleeping boyfriend. Boyfriend, it felt weird to say that. Only Isobel and Jubal had known. Jubal had to know since he was the ASAC. Scola and Tiff would know at a later time, whenever that was. We were navigating. When I got to the car, I opened the door. He never moved a muscle. I chuckled and reached over him and unbuckled him. "Babe, come on, we're here," I say, shaking him softly. He groaned for a few seconds before opening his eyes and looking at me. "How long have I been asleep?" he yawned. "Seconds after we left the hospital. So, give or take 30 minutes," I say looking at my watch.

"Come on, let's get you inside," I say. He eased himself out of my car and into my arms. I got on his left side since his right shoulder was broken. The doctor had put a pin and a screw in. It would be about 4-6 weeks before he was cleared to go back to 26 Fed, and another week before he could get back in the field. We slowly walked towards my door, "Wait for a second, why are we here? I don't even have a bag," he said, wincing slightly in pain. "You do too, I went over to your place and packed you a bag for here," I tell him, as I guide him slowly up the steps.

He yawned again. "And I could go for another nap," he yawned again. "Well, we can put you in my bed and you can rest. I'll go out and get stuff to make dinner," I say as we walked through my front door. I lead him into my bedroom and help him sit on the bed. He eased himself back into the pillows. I threw my comforter over him and ran my fingers through his hair.

I leaned down closer to his face, we made eye contact with each other before we kissed softly. "Now get some rest. I'll be back from the store soon," I say. "I love you," he said, rubbing my arm gently with his free hand. "I love you too," I whisper, kissing his forehead. I left the room to let him sleep and closed my door softly. My keys were in my coat pocket, along with my wallet. I went back outside in the frigid New York air and went to my car.

I started my car and ran the heat. I drove to the grocery store that was near my apartment. I pushed the cart through the store and was trying to decide what I was going to cook for me and OA. I decided on homemade chicken and noodles, even if the noodles weren't made from scratch. I grabbed Tylenol for OA, in case the pain medicine that the doctor gave him didn't work. I grabbed carrots, celery, and 1 onion out of the produce. I knew I had salt at home, but there were a few spices for the recipe that I didn't have. I went down the spices aisle to find: Thyme, rosemary, garlic, and bay leaf. I grabbed some chicken thighs, along with some chicken broth. I grabbed a frozen bag of egg noodles.

I grabbed a few more things for OA, like Powerade. I picked up more things for meals throughout the week. I checked out and paid for my groceries and headed to my car to load everything. I hadn't got a text from OA, which told me that he was still asleep. I drove back home. I took everything inside. I set out what I was using to make the soup and put the rest of it away. I kept OA's Tylenol out as well.

I grabbed my cutting board and knife and cut my celery, carrots, and onion. I pulled out my CrockPot and added my chicken, onions, carrots, celery, thyme, rosemary, and garlic. I shook some salt and pepper in there and added the chicken broth. I covered it with the lid and set it for 8 hours low. I looked at the time, it was 11:00. OA had been asleep for 45 minutes. So I would finish this up at 7:00. And dinner would be ready at 7:30. I picked up his Tylenol and his other pain medicine that the doctor gave him, along with a glass of water. I walked softly to my bedroom door and opened it quietly to find him still sleeping peacefully.

I smiled and walked quietly to the table beside the bed and set the pills and the water there. I heard my phone from the kitchen, which meant I probably got a text from Isobel. Maybe even Jubal. I walked out quietly and closed the door behind me. I checked my phone and saw a message from Isobel. She said she would deliver the papers to me and OA later today. I sent a thumbs up and went to go fold some towels that were still in the dryer.

I swept my kitchen floor and dusted some. I threw my throw blanket over the edge of the couch. About 2 hours later, I heard my bedroom door opening from where I was on the couch. I looked over my shoulder to OA coming out. He yawned before saying, "What time is it?" he asked me. "It's almost 1:00. I've got dinner in the CrockPot," I tell him. He sat next to me on the couch. I leaned my head onto his left shoulder.

"Isobel's going to drop by the papers for us to sign later," I tell him. "Ok," was all he said. He kissed my head gently. "Hmm, whatever you're cooking smells good," he said. "It's chicken noodle soup, it'll be ready at 7:30. Give or take," I say. An hour later I heard a knock at the door as I and OA were watching TV. He looked back at the same time I did. "It must be Isobel," I say, getting up from laying in OA's lap as he was running his hands through my hair.

I opened the door to find Isobel standing there. I opened the door farther to let her in. I closed the door and led her to where OA was in the living room. "So, here you go. We will keep this between us, the Bureau, and Jubal for now until you two decide to tell Scola and Tiffany," she told us as she was handing me the papers and a pen. I sat down on the couch and signed my name before handing it to OA to sign. He was lucky that he was left-handed. "So, we expect you back in the field after 6-7 weeks?" she asked OA. "Yeah, the doctor said I didn't lose no muscle tissue. So there's no physical therapy," he told her. After he signed, he handed the papers back to Isobel.

"Well, I'll send these back to the director and he'll approve this. Maggie, I'll see you in a couple of weeks, OA; I'll see you in 6-7 weeks. You get healed. And, Maggie. Take care of him," she told us both. I chuckled. "I will, I think I'm a good nurse anyways," I say. Isobel left and I went back and laid on OA. "Now that's complete. The next step is telling Scola and Tiff," he told me, running his fingers through my hair. Dinner was done at 7:30 as planned, I gave a bowl to OA and I made one for myself.

When we finished, I took the bowls to the sink and settled down for the night. "Mags, that was good," he told me. "I know it wasn't homemade. But I was glad it was good," I smiled, as I laid my head in his lap again. I fell asleep with my head in his lap that night. My throw blanket was over me, and I was warm. OA provided warmth. I was happy. The papers were signed. The Bureau allowed us to have a romantic relationship. We were both happy with that.

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