Chaser and a Queen's Performance

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It's hard to believe that we're already at Book 5 of this series, but I hope you all enjoy reading it! 

I don't normally interrupt my stories from the beginning but this one takes a bit more of a set up due to it's unique nature.

If you're only newly finding this series, please don't worry. One Who Chases is a series of stories that can be read separately, as each of them will have their own contained narrative. But as you read them, you will see the pieces of the mystery come together as the connecting thread that leads to the true ending becomes more and more evident. Feel free to go back and read the older stories if this is the first one you found.

As far as when this story takes place, it occurs just before JN99 "スパイクタウンのマリィ!" or 'Mary of Spike Town!' or 'Battling Turned Up to Eleven!' in the dub. We'll be here for just a bit longer though, so once you reach that episode, you'll be fine to continue the story. (Or go ahead and read without watching, just note that there'll be some things that are referenced that you might not remember...! The main anime is definitely an important companion to this!)

The cover for the series was made for me by @Rohanarts on Twitter! Please also check out their comic Dandelion at

I would also like to thank my beta readers Mezamun, Penachu, and Viroro. Thank you all so much for reading the story and giving your feedback all this time.

One final note, but these are all written fairly far in advance. I did make some changes to fit a certain character's updated appearance, but this still occurs before JN105 イーブイとニンフィア! 出会いと再会!!' Eievui and Nymphia! Encounters and Reunions!!'  or "Reuniting for the First Time" in the dub. The reason for that is because it was all written before then, as well.

Without any further ado, I hope you enjoy this story.


It stood on a hill on the outskirts of his hometown.

It was an imposing manor from an indistinct point in the past. Made of sturdy stone blocks that only needed the occasional repairing over the years, the building had stood vacant (and reportedly haunted) for many a year, with himself among the believers. But not long ago, the 'for sale' sign that seemed forever bound to sit in front of it was finally removed, and crews began repairing the brickwork and upgrading and replacing the electrical wiring inside the walls.

Soon, the most advanced computer systems, complete with solid-light projection capabilities were installed, and behind it in a glass dome was built an enormous park, capable of supporting the lifestyles of a truly incredible amount of creatures.

This old manor was being turned into a research laboratory for these mysterious creatures called Pocket Monsters, or Pokémon for short.

On the day the laboratory had opened, named after its operator Professor Raymond Cerise, he had been invited to work and study there as a special assistant called a research fellow along with another boy his age. That was how he first met Ash Ketchum, and how his life had begun to take a long, strange turn.

Through it all, he had worked with Ash, helping Professor Cerise study Pokémon all over the world as he, himself, pursued his own goals. After seeing the mythical Pokémon Mew in his youth, he had become obsessed with meeting and capturing the creature, but along the way he had made a lot of new friends, captured a great many Pokémon, and (he could finally admit) grown a bit as an individual.

Yet through all of this, Ash was a bit of an enigma.

While he was always excitedly facing forward to their next task or his next challenge in the World Coronation Series, Ash was usually quite mum on his own past, only making vague references towards it in conversation, or worse, only bringing up a fact when it was most relevant. This was how Goh had learned that his new good friend was the first Champion of the Alola Region, almost by accident when Ash was accosted by a pair of brothers who were apparently huge fans of his.

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