Chaser and the Azure Abyss

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 Goh opened his eyes to the sunlight bleeding through the curtain drawn over the window. The previous night felt far too brief, visions of the festival dancing in his head until he felt like he was dreaming about them. And like a clock's ticking pendulum, he kept thinking about the pouch Chloe wore around her neck before his view would drift upwards towards her lips and eyes.

Thankfully the arrival of dawn prevented his thoughts from drifting too far, and he quickly prepared for the day. As he dressed, he glanced at the still-snoring form of Ash, sleeping blissfully.

Ash was a good friend, but there were times his blitheness was something Goh could barely tolerate. Ash apparently lost no sleep over the enigma that was the girl that at least had decent odds that she was romantically interested in him, and so the most Goh could do is at least pretend he wasn't tired.

Chloe and Serena met them for breakfast, and though Ash was dragging just as much as Goh was, the girls both seemed wide awake and ready to seize the day, the complete opposite of the boys.

"What's with you?" Chloe asked coolly, waving a wedge of pancake on the end of her fork at him. "I know Ash usually looks like death warmed over in the morning but you're usually on top of things from the get go."

Not wanting to admit that he was thinking about her before he fell asleep, Goh merely nodded and waved his fork back at her. "Well, even I'm off my game sometimes..."

Like some sort of dew-dappled angel, Serena smiled cheerfully. "Oh, I used to be the same way, but while I was on my journey with Ash and the others, I got used to waking up early."

Ash put down his glass, now emptied of juice. "Yeah, I guess you an' Clemont were the ones who usually got up first."

"And then Bonnie, and you were usually last," Serena said, giggling.

Goh raised an eyebrow. "Clemont and Bonnie are the other friends you guys traveled with?" he asked, putting the pieces together from their conversations the day before.

Ash nodded. "Yeah. Clemont's the Gym Leader of Lumiose City, an' Bonnie's his little sister."

"Clemont's also a really incredible inventor," Serena said, singing her friend's praises, "and Bonnie just loved Pokémon to bits, even if she couldn't have one of her own quite yet! In any case, I usually helped Clemont with breakfast or setting the table, so I was usually one of the first ones awake in the morning! Maybe you just need a better routine."

Chloe shrugged dismissively. "Goh has his breakfast made for him just about every day by Ash's Mr. Mime he keeps in the lab, so he doesn't have to worry about taking responsibility for things."

Goh sighed. It was going to be a long day at this rate.

"Cheer up, Goh!" Serena said, beaming her smile at him. "I'm sure if you work at it, you'll be fine!"

A Rotom Phone began ringing out an alarm. "Time to go! Time to go! Time to go!"

Serena pulled the offending phone from her pocket and turned off the alarm. "Well, it's like my phone just said... It's time for me to go get ready for the performance." She smiled at her friends, new and old before stepping back. "I'll see you guys later when we head to the Sea Spirit's Den!"
Ash gave her a friendly wave. "Later, Serena!"

Goh and Chloe waved her off as well, though neither of them said anything.

The three Kantonians finished up their breakfast and collected their Pokémon (keeping Grookey, Eevee, and Pikachu out as they did), before heading towards the square. Even this early, it seemed that people were already standing and waiting for the show to begin, though Goh and the others were able to secure a spot relatively close to the main stage.

Chaser and the Sea Spirit's DenWhere stories live. Discover now