Chaser and the Aetherial Rematch

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 "This isn't really much of a plan," Chloe said.

Sadly, he had to agree.

"Time's not exactly on our side," he said, shrugging. "We have to move quickly, right?"

She nodded, sighing. "Are you ready over there, Serena?"

The Pokémon Performer nodded, gently petting Dragonite's neck with her hand. "We're ready, right, Dragonite?"

The gentle dragon nodded, ready to assist Serena with her tasks.

"So the aim of the game is speed," Goh said, reiterating the plan. "I'll take Aerodactyl and head to Glace Islet. Chloe will take Flygon and head to Foudre Islet, and Serena will go with Dragonite to Feu Islet."

"Why are you taking Aerodactyl instead of Flygon again?" Chloe asked, tilting her head even as she had her hand on the Mystic Pokémon's neck.

" know it's still probably dangerous," Goh said, his expression dampered by the thoughts he was trying to erase. "Flygon has experience fighting a Zapdos, and being a Ground-type, won't be affected by Zapdos' Electric-type moves. Besides, Aerodactyl's Rock-type moves will deal massive damage to an Ice- and Flying-type like Articuno. It almost makes me wish I brought Boldore..."

"And between Dragonite and Delphox, I should have the tools I need in case anything happens with Moltres," Serena said. "Though I really hope it doesn't come to that. The Pokémon should understand we're there to help them, right?"

Goh let his thoughts drift to the Darkest Day, and his mysterious encounter with the Legendary Pokémon Zamazenta, as well as the day he met Suicune.

But it was Chloe who spoke up, and from the sparkle in her eye, Goh could only guess that she was thinking about Cresselia.

"They will. You just have to face them head-on and show them what's in your heart."

Serena giggled at the words. "It's kind of like going for broke and being one with them, right?"

The three of them laughed, but Goh turned to Chloe. "Please be careful. All three of you."

Eevee leapt from the ground to Chloe's shoulder, and Flygon gave her trainer a nod.

Chloe, for her part, gave Goh a confident look, putting her hand over the pouch with the inlaid jade stone. "You be careful, too, okay, Goh? We might have the decoy but it's only going to go so far."

They looked back at the Wigglytuff themed balloon. They had cleared it with Nurse Joy, but they were going to fly it towards Team Rocket's airship and use it to cover their flight. But even if Team Rocket didn't shoot it down, it would likely float over the Azure Bay and crash somewhere in the Wild Area, Goh hypothesized. It was unfortunate, but it couldn't be helped, and it only illustrated the importance of what they were doing.

Even Goh remembered the unseasonable coldsnap almost four years ago now that seemed to originate from the Orange Islands. He and Chloe were walking home from school when it started to snow. Having that happen much closer to where lots of people lived, not to mention all the Pokémon, was something they had to avoid.

"We'll do it. And then, after Team Rocket's taken care of, we'll go find where Ash has washed up and tell him about missing the party."

Even Serena giggled at that, with Grookey chiming in from Goh's shoulder with a cheer of his own, but soon everyone's attention turned skyward.

There were two separate fronts of clouds approaching the Azure Bay, one of which they had already spotted from the Pokémon Center, being the thunderclouds that seemed to trail behind Zapdos as they flew through the skies. Another dark gathering of clouds was blowing in on a chill wind, no doubt harboring Articuno.

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