Chapter 1 - concern?

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Toms POV:
Edd has been acting weird lately, me and Matt, along with Tord, have been trying to help him. He have gotten him multiple therapists but nothing seems to be working...

I'm just concerned about Edd, but today I am hoping that he will be able to tell us what's been going on.


Matts POV:
Tom says that Edd has been acting weird, which is new because Edd is never weird..

Hopefully nothing bad comes along, I'm hoping.

(I know his was short, just wait.. 😒)

Edd's POV:
I haven't been feeling to well lately, whenever I see Matt, Tom, or Tord around.. they all look different.

Am I going crazy..?

No, I cant be. This is all so sudden. Maybe I'm just super tired and I keep on working for far too long. God, maybe it's the horror movies like 'the insane zombies from hell 4' bullshit..

God, I don't even know..

Whenever I see Tom, it looks like his arms and legs are ripped off and he has no face.. he scares me, last time I seen him I had a panic attack. After that, I haven't been out of my room in days. I'm afraid that I really am scared.

When i see Matt - don't get me wrong, he's my best friend! -and my favorite, don't tell them-, he has no face.. I'm worried that he's gonna be sad.

Last time I seen Tord, he was so glitched out and he had a question mark on his face. I'm scared.. I don't want to keep on seeing this..!

I need to tell them.

I have to...

Woah 270 words, I know this one was short but please believe me more longer chapters are coming soon!

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