chapter 12 • but vance and cherry weren't the nicest people in the world

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weirdly, vance was perfectly fine.

mia had only drank water, so she wasn't hungover.

cherry's head was pounding, but she was fine so far. socially, though? she wasn't fine at all.

a few people had teased her about the whole finney kissing thing.

it was super embarrassing.

people were coming up to her, or even just texting her and asking if she was obsessed with finney.

people who knew about her crush on finney, were reconsidering the joke, wondering if she was in love with finney and hadn't been joking at all.

he embarrassed her in front of everybody.

she wanted to curl up and die.

people would walk past finney and make a joke about her.

the feeling sucked, and that's how she made finney feel, for years. over a stupid joke, because he was mean to her in 5th grade.

she made jokes that made everyone else bully him, just because he was scared of her.

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