Chapter 5

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I step out of the bath with my muscles feeling a hundred times lighter than they felt before. I set the bath to drain and sigh as I smell the rose and lilac scent drift into my nose. I slip on the silk robe hanging on the wall and step out of the bathroom to find Enzo asleep on my sofa. I walk over to him, pick up his legs, sit down, and put his legs on my lap. He wakes up and says, "Well, hello there princess, how was your bath?" I sigh loudly and say, "Absolutely incredible. Probably my favorite thing about this incredible place. Speaking of this place, how on earth do you pay for all of this?" His expression visibly tenses as he says, "Yeah, about that... I've been meaning to tell you and I guess now's as good a time as any."

I feel like I should be nervous but I'm not. When I hear the words, "I'm in the Mafia." leave Enzo's mouth, I feel like I should be scared, or shocked, or... something, but I don't. All I can think of is, cool. He looks like he saw a ghost and I realize I might have said that out loud. A rough sound leaves his throat and then he bursts out laughing and says, "I don't know why I was nervous to tell you, that is such a Jules thing to say. Anyways the Mafia owns the building so they have a bunch of their people living here or staying here." All I can think of is how cool that is so I say, "I know I should be scared or something I am insanely jealous right now." He laughs again and says, "Don't worry, something tells me you won't have to be jealous for long."

I feel like I should ask him to elaborate, but a sudden wave of exhaustion hits me and a loud yawn leaves my mouth. Enzo takes that as his cue to check out for the night. I think I heard him say goodnight, but I was too tired to focus on anything. I stand up, go over to the bed, and walk up the steps to the raised surface before jumping into bed and snuggling into the fuzzy pillows and blankets. I see the lights turn off and I blink a few times before drifting off into the best sleep that I've ever had.

I wake up and for a moment, I just lay there, staring at the beautiful room that I can now call my own. I sit up, pick up the cup of water on my bedside table, take the note off of it and take a large sip of- wait what? I go to read the note and see that it says 'get dressed and come downstairs when you wake up. -Enzo' I finish the water and hop out of bed. I'm immediately put into a wonderful mood as I open the doors to my fully stocked closet.

I pick out a cropped, black tube top to go with matching black pants and a black leather jacket. I push both of the buttons and grab black combat boots, three gold necklaces, and rings.

I brush my teeth and stare at myself in the mirror for a few moments. I examine my slightly wavy, dark -almost black- brown hair as I brush through it. I look into my emerald green eyes and stare over my entire face. it feels so strange to see not a single bruise on any part of my face. I do my makeup, put on my outfit, and do one final check in the mirror before grabbing my bag and heading downstairs. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2022 ⏰

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