chapter 2

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"Now, I know that we're all tired and shocked from WaterClan's ambush today," Swiftstar meowed, "but we're not quite finished yet. Robinclaw has delivered some shocking news today - Robinclaw, if you'd like to tell the Clan what you saw."

"Of course, Swiftstar," the brown tom meowed, stepping forward.

Studying him, Frostpaw realized, to her surprise, that he actually looked pretty shaken up. His pelt was matted, eyes widened, and ears twitching.

"This morning, I was out on a walk, near WaterClan's border, to see if I can hear anything and offer any help," Robinclaw explained, "when I spotted Rockfur, padding in the direction of our camp. I assume he was doing the same as I, only earlier, and had wrapped up his walk when I saw him. He hadn't seen me yet, and I was about to go up and greet him, when suddenly a flash of gray fur came down from above.

"I was frozen in shock. I hadn't recognized the cat, but whoever they were, they were fighting very fiercely. Rockfur, caught off guard, wasn't able to do much, and by the time I'd snapped to my senses, it was too late. He'd lost too much blood."

The entire Clan was listening, caught up on Robinclaw's every word.

"He was dead. I didn't dare to move from my hiding spot, in case his murderer's out to get me next. Then, they turned around and I got a good look.

"It was Fernleap!"

Gasps of shock rose from amongst the gathered cats, accusing eyes turning to the gray she-cat instantly. Frostpaw pressed her pelt against her friend's, trying to wordlessly comfort her.

"Fernleap grabbed Rockfur's body and I followed her. She brought him to the lake and dumped him into it," Robinclaw finished.

Swiftstar narrowed her eyes, processing his words. "Do you have any more solid proof of this?" the cream-colored she-cat questioned. "With such a serious accusation, I'm going to need more evidence than just your own eyes."

"I wouldn't make it up!" Robinclaw protested, but with a firm look from Swiftstar, he nodded. "Yes, I do have more proof. First of all, Rockfur won't be returning to camp, not tonight, not ever, since he's dead. Secondly, if you go to the Elder Oak, sniff around there, you should be able to find Rockfur's death spot, his dried blood still there."

Swiftstar twitched her pelt, indicating for Robinclaw to pause. "I want a patrol to check this information. Whitefang, Fawncloud-"

"There's no need to do that, Swiftstar," Fernleap spoke up suddenly, surprising everyone. "I confess, I did kill Rockfur."

Horror rippled throughout the entire Clan. Frostpaw's eyes widened, Blackfang's pelt spiked, and Cottonfur stared at her daughter with a betrayed gaze.

"Aha!" Robinclaw yowled triumphantly. "See! I told you! I told you! She did it! She killed Rockfur!"

"Fernleap...?" Blackfang's voice sounded uncertain. "What...?"

From beside him, Jayfrost stared at her with a horrified gaze.

"How could you?!" Cottonfur hissed angrily. "Fernleap, just how could you kill your father?"

"You don't understand!" the gray she-cat protested desperately. "Rockfur, he was the spy! The cat that was passing our information to WaterClan, I heard him and Troutstar talking! Mom, he was using you!"

Chaos emitted throughout the entire camp. Every cat was yowling, shouting their own opinions.

"That's mouse-dung!" Sandpelt spat furiously. "Rockfur only ever did good for this Clan!"

Cottonfur's tail lashed. "Rockfur loved me! He would never do such a horrid thing!"

"Stop making up lies to excuse your actions!"

"Exile her!"

"Every cat, calm down!" Swiftstar yowled, her voice breaking through, quieting the camp down. With that done, she turned towards Fernleap. "Do you have any solid proof of Rockfur's betrayal?"

Fernleap nodded eagerly. "Yes, I heard him and Troutstar talking about their plan, about how they were going to take over WaterClan and MoonClan, that they'd been planning this since they were apprentices-"

"With something this serious, I'm going to need more than just yourself," Swiftstar explained. "Was another cat with you, maybe, who could've also overheard this conversation?"

Fernleap's face fell. "No, I... I don't think so." She looked around desperately. "But you have to believe me! I wouldn't make this up, why would I?! I promise, I heard it-"

"Fernleap," Swiftstar interrupted gently, "I'm afraid this isn't enough to justify what you've done. I'm not saying I don't believe you, but based on what's been offered today, the correct choice would be to exile you. However," the MoonClan leader continued, barreling through the cheers, "if you ever manage to get any solid proof that Rockfur's the traitor, then you'll be welcomed back into the Clan."

"She won't ever be able to get that," Robinclaw chortled, "because Rockfur isn't the traitor and she's just a warrior who attacked an innocent cat to "play the hero". Ridiculous!"

Fernleap looked around wildly. "Swiftstar, please-"

"Go," Robinclaw snarled.

Swiftstar glared at the brown tom, then in a gentler voice, meowed, "Fernleap, I'll get some cats to escort you out. Whitefang, Jayfrost, Blackfang, Frostpaw, if you will."

It was clear that the leader chose some cats who may want to say goodbye, the only cats who may show Fernleap some kindness.

"Now, I'd like another patrol to go to the lake and get Rockfur's body. It should hopefully still be floating right now. Leafsong, Robinclaw, Fawncloud, Mistytail, go."

The patrols set off, Whitefang taking the lead of Frostpaw's. As they headed away, the white she-cat could still hear Swiftstar's voice in the distance.

"Redberry, please prepare some mint for Rockfur's burial and give Cottonfur some thyme to calm her down. Eagleheart, could you please go let..."

Frostpaw shook her head, focusing herself back onto the patrol. Being a leader must be a hard job.

She eyed Fernleap, who was padding awkwardly next to Blackfang, and trotted up to brush her pelt against her friend's. "You okay?"

"No," Fernleap whispered back miserably. "I didn't mean to hurt Rockfur! I just heard all the things he said and got really mad..." She trailed off, shaking her pelt. "I just wanted to rid the Clan of its traitor, it wasn't supposed to turn out this way..."

"I know, I know, I believe you," Frostpaw assured, "I believe that Rockfur's the traitor. Now we just need to find some proof."

""We"?" Fernleap quoted with a raised brow, a ghost of a smile on her face.

"I think it's clear that you need my help, a cat that's still in the Clan and on the inside," Frostpaw teased lightly.

"A spy, perhaps?" Fernleap joked.

"Indeed!" the white she-cat chirped. "So, what do you say?"

Fernleap chuckled with a nod.

"We're here," Whitefang mewed, catching every cat's attention. They'd reached the other side of MoonClan's territory, across from the lake. The plains.

"I think I'll stay in that forest over there," Fernleap whispered quickly to Frostpaw, flicking her tail in indication, "in case you'd like to visit me. I'll be back to snoop for information, though, but I have no idea now I'm going to get a dead cat to admit that he betrayed his Clan."

Frostpaw brushed her pelt against her friend's in comfort. "Don't worry. We'll get you back into the Clan in no time."


Word Count: 1155


Hello to you guys, and bye bye to Fernleap. Anyway, thoughts? I'd love to hear them, along with predictions! And I do have a specific question I'd love to hear your thoughts to: how are they going to prove Rockfur's the traitor? Let me know!

Have an amazing day/night :)

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