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Thank god he was still in his previous day uniform just a loose tie and first few buttons unbottoned. he doesnt remember anything now. he is getting glimpses.

"p'wayu! p'wayu!" earth tried shaking him up. he had too many questions how did he came here? where was he? most importanly how he ended up on the same bed as his boss?

"mm let me sleep" wayu said pouting a little. earth couldnt help but think he was cute but shook his head to get rid of the ridiculous thought.

"PHI!" earth shouted as he needed to get out as soon as possible. the weird flutter in his heart remembering how wayu helped his drunk self is not good neither is how their simple dinner felt more like a date like a knowing each other phase. The past weeks have changed something in Earth, wayu brought in that change but he would be damned to accept it.

"huh?" wayu sat down this time. earth was standing now fixing his shirt and tie.

"how did we end up here? where are we?" earth asked.

"uh..."wayu looked around "this is my room. i think we took a cab i dont remember" he suddenly remembered earth and him being so close and they might have kissed if it wasnt for that drunk guy. and his color changed to a beautiful pink.

"are you okay phi" earth became concerned and put his hand on wayu check his temperature. which made wayo more flustered. but not as much seeing his upper body naked.

then he remembered something.

"did something..."

"NO! ho phi you are silly. what do you think just because i like boys i will sleep with anyone. i was fully dressed up" he added in a timid voice in the heat of the moment he forgot that wayu didnt even knew about him liking boys. He felt like he was being discriminated. "i think phi is sick i will make you something quick" earth went out not wanting to be in that embarassing situation anymore. wayu's face seemed a bit hot so earth took it as liquor's side effect and as considerate guy as he was he decided to make a breakfast for wayu.

on the other side wayu couldnt help but ask himself "what? He likes boys? But why not me am i that bad?" but chided himself for getting a ridiculous thought. he went to freshen up.

he came out of the bathroom to find earth concentrated in cooking in his apron. he couldn't help but think that he can get used to it. nuengjai never made such an effort it was usually him cooking with his nonexistent cooking skills or pleading nuengjai to cook.

earth looked up to find wayo in wet hairs, shorts and a hoodie. he looked handsome. 'oi earth pull yourself together. he has a girlfriend for god's sake and you are not looking for love. what the fck changed.' he chided himself. but when he saw wayu sitting in the chair without making an effort to dry his hair.

"oho! dont you know wet hair makes you sick!" earth shook his head in disappointment, he cant stand someone being that careless it was almost instinct. he had done this to sam a several times and he might have done it for anyone he knew closely but he might be overstepping here because he didnt know wayo that closely yet.. he took the towel that was previously on wayu's shoulder and started to dry his hair. This sent an another weird flutter to wayu's heart.

after a few minutes earth came to his senses.

"uh i am sorry. i...its a habit" earth apologised weirdly.

"its okay i like it." wayo said biting his tongue for talking without filter.

"uhm i will bring you food" earth went to kitchen and brought him his food he was shy too what did wayu meant? He prepared himself to leave. "uh there is more in the pan if you want it"

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