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It has been two years already. The four of their lives were pretty smooth. They decided to live together. It becomes pretty hectic with the quarelling but in the end they are quite happy with the arrangement. They all were making up for the missed time.

Sometimes distance creates disturbance and at other brings people closer. The later happened with earth and his friends. They were friends now meeting in every 3 months talking sometimes on phone. Earth was there when boom had her first child 2 months ago and he became the child's godfather along with wayu. Sam was out of picture now but earth was quiet happy for him because he started going out with the doctor from his hospital and they looked quiet happy. Stud and ta were happy too stud moved on from earth.

Now the 2 couples were in the middle of the dinner.

"I want to marry wayu. Soon" earth declared

Wayu smiled too happily and was going to say sure when

"Are you well?" Kong asked and started to check his temperature.

"Yes!" Earth shouted

"Then why are you talking like this" arthit asked confused too.

Earth pouted

Something clicked in kong's mind

"Aha! You are still hung over that girl flirting with p'wayu" kong said

Earth pouted more

"Aw dont pout babe i will never see anyone who is not you i will marry you whenever and wherever you want" wayu said kissing earth's cheeks

"No you cant" arthit declared and both wayu and earth glared at him kong bowed his head down knowing where he was going

"Why" wayu asked sternly

"Because i am older i should marry before you" arthit said kong puckerd his lips feeling hot all of a sudden

"There is no rule like that" wayu said

"Mm if there is i am the older here" earth said pointing at kong and earth.

"But I am older than you" arthit said back

Then another round of earth and arthit fight went on. Kong and wayu looked at each other and kong pulled arthit to kitchen counter as it was arthit's turn to do the dishes and wayu pulled earth to their room.

The next morning they started fighting again and no one knows why but wayu was backing up earth fully and avoided kong's eyes.

Enough is enough.

"Shut up! We are getting married the same day!" Kong announced and all of them looked at kong as if he was the most intelligent person on earth.

The three of them nodded and now started discussing rather arguing over the destination, theme, flowers, food and guests.

Are they for real?

"Sometimes i feel like i am the only one resonable in this house" kong mumbled and started assigning the tasks

"Oh wait now who proposed whom?" Kong asked. now the three of them looked at kong as if he was the most unreasonable person in the world. Kong sighed.

The rest of day was pretty tough for arthit and earth also found the question reasonable so he decided to propose wayu because relationships go both way so why should wayu be the only one doing the proposing although technically he set the mood foe when they became boyfriends didnt he?

After a day arthit proposed kong and earth proposed wayu. They decided to marry in a year.

After a year:-

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