Second.Kiss. (Im with my parents right now o_o)

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Mitch's POV
Saturday. I fist pump becuz i get to play and do some things but wat i expected wasnt here. I was FREAKING bored. So i decided to text cherifer.
Mitch: heyyyyyy gurl
Cherifer: Hello!!!!????!??!?!
Mitch: XD
Im bored, wanna hang out?
Cherifer: i
Mitch: oh! Soo, at the park?
Cherifer: yea!!
Mitch: k then! See ya there at 7:30 pm!
Cherifer: kk!
I settle my phone down on the table, hm, i feel sleepy for an odd reason, well, lets take a nap.

-7:30 time skip-

I wake up, yawning, i check my phone, WAIT. 7:30... IM LATE!! I ran upstairs and get in my white plain long sleeved t-shirt, my abit dark red and black checkered jacket, dark blue plants, white and red converses, my necklace and fix my hair. I finished fixing my hair and run outside, to the park.
(Theres a part 2)

My One 'n Only Doodette (A BajanCanadian Fanfic) ||DISCONTINUED||Where stories live. Discover now