Chapter 65: Renascence

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The double doors boomed open as Libro limped into the inner sanctum, a wave of snarling air washing over him in a flood of stinging heat. The mountain's guts shimmered in a circular wall of polished stone, surrounding them over a half moon shaped platform. The man in question stood at its center, gray clothes and a gray hat gently swaying in the churning hat, a suit of Star Steel armor set before him.

"So," Raylein said, turning slowly to face Libro. "It would seem my army has failed to stop you." He shrugged, as if the very notion were more a bet gone wrong and not the headless ending of so many lives. "Although, I must admit we both were expecting this."

"In the name of the Empire, you are under arrest!" Civis jostled his way forward, shield and ax at the ready. "On charges of collusion and conspiracy against our Empress! You will surrender immediately!"

Moss and Cent fanned out to either side of the door, surrounding the Stelecaster and the suit of armor he stood beside. Libro didn't know what the bastard was planning, but he wasn't about to give the man any leeway. "I would take the offer, Raylein. I'm not going to give you a second chance."

The man smiled, not convinced in the slightest. "We all know the legends about your...people, Captain. The Vangen do not take prisoners."

From the corner of Libro's eye, he could see Elba sliding up beside him, Star Steel sword at the ready. "Times change. Kingdom's crumble. Rebellions are crushed. The old must make way for the new. I think I can make an exception for you just this once."

"And if I do, what am I to expect? A long walk to my execution?"

"The Empresses judgment," Civis spat at him.

Raylein's smile grew very wide, two rows of perfect, shiny teeth flashing before them. "Ah, yes. The Demoness of the South. The mad queen. It always comes back to her, it seems." With a swish of his cape, he reached into his pocket.


Nox's crossbow went off, the bolt speeding past in a line of iron. Libro waited for the thud, the spray of bloody mist, but there was nothing. Raylein held his other hand out, fingers trembling, mere inches from touching the bolt as it stood frozen mid air.

"That was uncalled for, Captain." With a flick, Raylein redirected the bolt, sending it flying off harmlessly over the chasm behind him. "I thought you wanted a prisoner?"

"I'm fine with dragging a corpse back if I have to," Libro said. "Besides, that was a warning shot." Civis and Nox were moving into position now, fresh bolt slamming into the massive crossbow. They had Raylein surrounded, his only escape the long drop behind him. If they could get close enough, restrain him, he'd have no chance to use his magick on them.

"Sadly, I must decline," Raylein shot back at him. "For you see, I have much bigger plans in order." He pulled something from his pocket, an orb of golden brilliance. It shone in the pale glow of the mountain's heart, so bright it forced Libro to look away. "The resurrection of a dead emperor! The death of a long awaited enemy! An entire empire at my beck and call! All within my grasp now!"

"By the Goddess," Civis muttered, his resolve withering at the sight of the orb. "It can't be. He really did it."

"Libro!" Elba gasped, the whites of her eyes practically glowing. "What is that thing?"

"A Golden Heart." Libro couldn't believe what he was seeing. The source of all his troubles and here it was in his enemy's grasp. There could be no mistaking it. "Kill him," he roared, desperation gripping at his throat as he jabbed a finger at the man.

Another bolt boomed from Nox's crossbow, closer this time, but Raylein was faster. The orb's light dimmed for the briefest second as he caught the bolt with a flicker of his hand, wrist snapping as he shot it back. Nox turned, lunged, dropped as the bolt when screaming past, missing him by an inch.

Tales of the Vangen: The Siege of Middengard (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now