Chapter 1: Hades

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You walked up to the humongous gates that were in the walls surrounding the infamous city of Orario. The biggest city in the world, but not without reason. It housed the only dungeon in the world. An underground structure that spreads itself infinitely underneath the city. Some even speculate that it's bigger than the city itself. Another rumor says it's sentient, like a living and breathing being. In this enormous structure monsters spawn, or as they say 'are born' and the people in the city go down this place to slay them to get better stats.

The gods from all kinds of different mythologies walk among the people of this city and throughout the world actually. These deities can give their blessings to mortals, this is known as a fauna. This manifests as a big tattoo on the back of adventures that displays their information of their stats, names, and which familia they belong. When a deity give his or her blessing to multiple mortals they bond together in a group, this is known as a familia. Depending on how the members treat each other, it can be like an actual family.

Of course with so many groups, there needs to be one that oversees everything. This organization is known as the Guild. Every single adventurer is registered by them and asks them for advice or other services. The Guild is loyal to the God Ouranus. He oversees the city and makes sure the dungeon is kept in check.

On top of the dungeon is the biggest and tallest building ever created. On the ground floor is the entrance to the underground labyrinth, while the higher floors houses lots and lots of shops, and some familias.

'Hey, kid! You new here?' asked a man in monk like clothing, indicating that he's from the Ganesha familia. 'Yeah,' you said to him, pulling your hood further down to hide your face. 'Shy much?' the man asked again. You just nodded, not wanting to stay longer than necessary. 'Okay, let's not waste your time any further then. Welcome aboard,' he said and stepped sideways to welcome you into the city. Well, that was easy, you thought. Once the walls were behind you, you saw streets crowding with people. Some walking, others on mounds pulling cards, some on those cards and some people pulling the cards themselves. Some were small, some large, some just of average height. There were even different races walking straight through each other like it's the most normal thing in the world. Dwarfs, prums, amazonesses, humans, and even an occasional elf. And of course quite a lot of people with animalistic features. You dove straight into the sea of people and swam through the crowds, trying to resist the current of humanoids shoving you left and right. Eventually you drifted off to a rich decorated building, with above the entrance Guild. You went in to register yourself and went to the the counter. There you came face to face with a beautiful young woman with silver hair and purple eyes. Her pointy ears betrayed that she was an elf and she wore the standard Guild uniform. 'Hello, with what can I help you?' she asked in a friendly voice. 'I would like to register to be an adventurer,' you said. 'Of course, I'll get the forms now, please wait here,' the silver haired elf said. 'Of course, Sophie,' you said. 'How do you know my name?!' she suddenly exclaimed. 'B-because it says so on your name tag?' you answered carefully. The elf, now known as Sophie, looked down on her uniform to see that there was in fact a name tag displaying her name. She mentally face palmed herself for her stupidity. She then quickly scurried off to find the necessary forms.

Some time later she returned with the forms and a adventurer starter pack. It was nothing more than a backpack with a knife in it. 'Here's your starting equipment, also please fill in these forms,' she said and then explained what you could do with the materials on the dungeon: 'In the dungeon monsters spawn and you can kill them. Occasionally, but not all the time, they can drop a small purple stone, called monster stones. You can exchange them here, at the guild, for vali. Any other items the monster drops, you can exchange too, but you can also keep them to create better equipment for yourself. Fighting these monsters ups your stats, though it's highly recommended to get yourself into a familia first so you know your stats. In top of that, we can give advice based on those stats. Got it?' 'So, basically I'm forced to join a familia first and then go into the dungeon?' you asked to confirm of you heard everything correctly. 'Yes, that's right,' she said, 'though we recommend it highly it's not required to have a familia to go into the dungeon. Do you know where that is?' 'No, actually I'm very new here,' you said. 'The entrance to the dungeon is in the ground floor of the tallest building in the city,' she said. 'Okay, and here are the forms. Thanks for the info and have a nice day,' you said and waved, while walking out to the streets. You quickly jumped to the side to let a blood covered, white haired boy in. He certainly seemed awfully happy for someone with so much blood on him, you thought, but oh well, why worry about it if it isn't your blood?

Night time fell already and so far you had no success in trying to join a familia. You were planning to just search for an inn to sleep in, but then a man walked up to you. He had back length, black hair tied into a low ponytail, eyes as silver as the full moon and skin that was so white that it was clear he'd seen barely any daylight. 'Hello, young child,' he started. 'I couldn't help but notice that you hadn't joined a familia yet,' he said. 'They keep rejecting me because I'm too low level.' You pouted as they had infringed your pride. You then asked: 'Who are you and why should I trust you? From the way you talked it seemed like you've been stalking me all day!' 'Calm down, boy. I'm Hades and I just descended down to this world. As of why you should trust me? Probably because I'm the only chance you've got to join a familia. Don't worry though, I'm not gonna do anything weird to you,' he assured you. 'Fine I trust you, for now. Let's go find an inn,' you said and the both of you walked to a restaurant that also rented rooms called The Hostess of Fertility. Perfect name for a brothel, you thought while chuckling. 'What's funny, I want to laugh too,' Hades told you. You then voiced your thought and you both entered while laughing out loud. 'Yes, that's certainly true,' the silver eyed man chuckled. You both took a seat at the bar and ordered a meal. You then ordered a second and even a third dish because you were so hungry. After which you then requested Mama Mia if you could rent a room, which she accepted Hades paid, for both the room and the meal, and the both of you then made your way upstairs.

In the room were two separate beds, a desk and a chair. 'Well, let's start with giving you my blessing,' the God of the Underworld said. 'That's fine by me,' you said and took off your shirt. You then took the chair and sat backwards on it. Hades sat down on one of the beds and took out a small needle and pricked himself in the index finger. One droplet of blood hit your back and a tattoo of Cerberus appeared on your back, with your stats mixed in it.

Name: (Y/N) (L/N)
Familia: Hades
Level: 1
Strength: D 550
Endurance: F 369
Dexterity: B 784
Agility: E 475
Magic: C 648
Lucifer: gives the user a boost in stats if the person the user is fighting infringed the user's pride. Boost is directly gone after the fight. Skill doesn't apply to only one person, can also apply to an entire familia. Boost depends on how far the other person infringed the user's pride.
Abridged Chant: requires the user of a spell to only speak the last word of that chant.
Beëlzebub: manifests as a black mist that devours everything that is swollowed.

Familia Emblem:

A/N: Hello reader! Dodominic2021 here with yet another book! I know I should finish my other books, but meh,🤷‍♂️

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A/N: Hello reader! Dodominic2021 here with yet another book! I know I should finish my other books, but meh,🤷‍♂️. Also I recently started getting back into Danmachi with other fan fictions and season 4.

Anyway, let me know what you think about this. And as always laterrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr - Dodominic2021

Random fun fact: I wrote this shit in two hours

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