Chapter 3 - Friends?

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It was my first night at Hogwarts. But I couldn't sleep. I went out to the balcony. It looked so beautiful. The stars were shining so bright. I was sitting there and I shivered a bit.

"Cold?" The voice surprised me. I turned around to see Mattheo Riddle. I didn't know much about him.

"Yeah a bit." I responded. He took off his jacket and wrapped it around my arms. "Thanks."

"No problem. What are you doing?" He asked. Pulling a cigarette from his pocket and lighting it.

"Just couldn't sleep. WHat about you, what are you doing up?" I Asked as he took a puff from his cigarette.

"Not much, I just couldn't sleep. Oh, you don't mind if I smoke do you?"

"No, not at all. So, you're in your 4th year right?" I asked, trying to make conversation.

"Yeah, although I prefer some of the classes you take as a 3rd year." He replied. I shivered again, taking off his jacket.

"I'm going to go back inside. Here is your jacket." I said, giving his jacket back. "See you in the morning Mattheo."

"Bye Ellen." He replied as I went back inside. I snuck back into bed and slept peacefully for the rest of the night.

I woke up in the morning to Pansy getting dressed. And by that I mean her slamming her dresser drawer shut. I got up and went over to my dresser.

"Oh good morning Ellen. How did you sleep?" Pansy asked.

"I slept well, what about you?"

"I slept well. It is nice having a roommate.Anyways I am going to get going. I will be in the Common room if you want to walk to the Great hall together." Pansy said as she was getting ready to leave.

"Yeah I'll meet you down there." I told Pansy. She grabbed her bag and left. I went to my closet and pulled out my shirt and skirt. The skirt was nice. It was short and not too short. I put on my button up shirt, put my tie on and then grabbed my cloak. I grabbed my school bag and threw my hair in a messy bun. My tie wasn't tied very well either, just enough to get by. I was walking downstairs when I saw Draco, Pansy, Mattheo, Theodore,and Enzo waiting for me. I made sure my contacts were okay after I fell asleep in them. I wasn't supposed to, but I fell asleep in my contacts a lot.

	"Hey guys, you weren't waiting for me were you?"  I asked

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"Hey guys, you weren't waiting for me were you?" I asked.

"We were, but it's fine, Pansy said you overslept," Draco replied.

"Well thank you for waiting, now let's get to breakfast. I am hungry." I said laughing a bit.

"Well then let's go," Blaise responded. We were all walking to breakfast when Lorenzo broke the ice.

"So Ellen, what do you like to do?" He asked as we got to our table and sat down.

"Oh well I like to sing obviously, but I really like sports. Running, quidditch, everything. I love swimming too." I responded.

"That is cool. Are you going to try out for the quidditch team?" Asked Draco.

"My dad said I wasn't allowed to. It was one of his conditions for me coming to Hogwarts. But I don't mind. Besides who said I would even make the team anyways." I said, a little sad.

"Hey you would probably make the team, and anyways, would you really want to be on the Slytherin team? It is all boys, and here two of them come now." I looked up and saw two boys walking toward us as Enzo finished his sentence.

"That is Marcus Flint and Adrian Percy," Draco said as they walked up and sat down.

"Hi, my name is Ellen, Ellen Snape," I said, extending my hand for a handshake. Marcus took it.

"Marcus Flint and this is Adrian Percy." He said, shaking my hand.

"Nice to meet you. Both of you." I finished eating soon. I looked at Draco, "Hey, I am going to go for a run before class starts. I'll see you in Potions." I said getting up.

"Okay see you later Ellen." He said as I got up to leave. I went back to my dorm and threw on a sports bra and leggings. I put on my sneakers and grabbed my headphones. I left the dorm and started running. The only good thing about my schedule, besides them all being with Draco, is we didn't have a class till 45 minutes after breakfast today. I ran to the quidditch field and grabbed my broom from the supply closet. I got my broom and started riding it. I was flying as fast as I could, throwing a snitch and going to catch it. I would act like I was surfing. Jumping off my broom and landing on it again. Standing and doing tricks.I had my headphones in and didn't realize that there were people watching me play. I stopped flying after about 20 minutes. I had worked up quite the sweat. I got off my broom and heard someone calling.

	"Hey who are you?" I turned around and saw a whole bunch of kids from all the houses in Quidditch uniforms

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"Hey who are you?" I turned around and saw a whole bunch of kids from all the houses in Quidditch uniforms. That's when I saw Draco and Marcus.

"Ellen that was you?" Draco asked puzzled.

"Do you know Malfoy? Why isn't she in a Quidditch uniform if she is practicing for you guys?" Asked a Gryffindor boy, he looked to be about in the seventh year.

"I'm not on the quidditch team, so I don't have a uniform. I am Ellen Snape, you are?" I said sticking my hand out to shake his.

"Oliver Wood, captain of the Gryffindor quidditch team. If you don't mind me asking, why aren't you on the Quidditch team?" He asked politely.

"Well I made a promise to my father I wouldn't try it out, he thinks it is dangerous," I replied. And another boy cut in.

"You should try out anyway. That was amazing!" A boy in a Hufflepuff uniform added in. Then he stuck his hand out for me to shake. "Cedric Diggory 6th year." He said. I shook his hand too.

"Ellen, we have to get to class, come on." Said Draco.

"Okay, see ya later," I said going back on my run. I was running back to my dorm. I wanted to change. I knew I had class in about 15 minutes. I got to the dorm and changed into my uniform. Throwing my hair into another messy bun, and got to class right on time. It was potions so we were working on making Polyjuice Potion. I had been the first in class to get it right.

"Good job Miss Snape. Good to see your father teaches well." Professor Slughorn praised. I sat in class just writing in my notebook, writing a new song. 

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