A demon?

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"Oh! look he's waking up!" I heard a voice say in excitement. I then looked over to where the voice came from and saw a person with blonde hair and rainbow like eyes with the number 2 in his eyes and the word "Upper" in the other ''He must be the upper moon two, but I thought demons were just myths made up to scare people?!' I thought to myself as I looked at my surroundings. I then saw a guy in a white fedora hat and a black suit. 'If I remember correctly he was the guy that did this to me.' I quickly thought as he just stood there. "Where am I?!" I said to the guy, he then smirked and with a smile said, "Well dear boy, you're at the Infinity Castle." 'As if I knew what Infinity Castle was.' I said to myself while looking him straight in the face, very annoyed. It's very rare to ever see me annoyed and that's because there's no reason to be annoyed, but this man really got on my nerves. I mean he literally kidnapped me after murdering my entire family. I then saw another demon walk in the room, and after a while of him just being there silently we made eye contact. For some reason he looked familiar, 'Did I know him before?' I asked myself.

Before long I then noticed I was in some sort of cage I guess, 'How come I didn't notice this before?!' I thought again. "This boy would make a delicious meal!" The Upper Moon Two said very much excitedly, but once I looked up at him he sort of froze a bit. "Oh! I see what a shame he would've made a fine meal." he said again, but this time he sounded a bit disappointed. After that I gave him a stare, what did he mean by that? "What's do you mean?" I said blankly as the Upper Moon looked over to the guy and back at me, he then gave me a smile. "Oh, it seems that master hasn't told you yet!" Before anything else could be said I heard my stomach growl a bit and everyone then looked at me. "Are you hungry?" the silent "demon" in the corner of the room said. I then gave him a slight nod as I looked straight at him. "I'll be right back." the "demon" said before exiting the room, with the other so-called "demon'' following him saying, "Hey! Can I come tag along too!?'' Soon enough it was just me and the guy in a white fedora hat, standing there in silence. After again a another few minutes he then spoke up, "I am Muzan Kibutsuji, but to you it's Lord or Master Kibutsuji, got it." I then nodded my head answering his question, still not even knowing what he meant by that. "Lord Kibutsuji, what did that blonde mean by he can't eat me?" I said not understanding the situation I was currently in. Then out of nowhere he pulled out a mirror from one of his pockets in his suit, he then gave it to me as I wondered why. I then looked in the pocket mirror and I was shocked, 'Why are my eyes... different, why are they different?' I asked myself. The white in my eyes were now turned black and my soft white pupils were now like a cat's pupils. 'Am I now a demon?' I thought to myself. I could feel a tear then trickle down my face as I then threw the pocket mirror leaving it to shatter right in front of me, the shattered pieces could then be seen all across the room. I hid myself in the corner of the cage as tears kept trickling down from my closed up, mutated eyes, while I could feel Kibutsuji stare down at me with a dark aura which made nothing better, but actually way worse it was like he could see through my closed shut eyes.


"Hey Kokushibo? Do you know that kid? You seemed pretty off around that kid, now that I think of it you guys almost look similar, just slightly." Douma said, which annoyed the living fuck out of me. But that boy... he looked familiar, he reminded me of my brother Yoriichi. Is he a descendant of Yoriichi?

"Kokushibo! Look it's a village!" Douma said in a whisper. I then looked over towards the village, 'This village is pretty packed' I thought to myself, "This village looks a bit too crowded and there could be Hashira's in there and we shouldn't take that risk." I said, sounding just as ridiculous as it seemed to be. Douma then gave me a sad look and after that we were off again to find another smaller village so we could raid it and eat a few people ourselves and so that the new demon boy could as well eat a person or two.

Soon enough we came upon a small village enough to be a quick meal for us two and the new demon boy. There were around 40 or so people and no Hashiras in sight so I then gave Douma the sign and the next thing you know we had already killed at least 36 people, so we stopped and finished off the remaining without eating them. "Nakime, take us back to Infinity Castle." I called out and soon enough we were back over at Infinity Castle.

As we walked through the door to the room the new demon was in we could hear faint crying coming from the new demon. I didn't question, but soon enough the boy was asleep on the cold floor as he started shrinking after a second and it confused me, 'Is it normal for demons to shrink when tired?' I thought to myself in confusion. I stayed silent as I continued to walk over to the boy placing the dead bodies inside his room/cage, then I still silently sat there as Master had told me to keep an eye on him just in case he wakes up and chooses to try and run away.

Word count: 1,031

A Demon Slayers Story (On pause)Where stories live. Discover now