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—---------------------------------------------------------Name: Y/n Kocho

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Name: Y/n Kocho

Heritage: Altean

Home planet: Altea

Gender: Male

Eye color: E/c

Hair color: H/c to f/c

Age: Unknown

Relative(s): Kanae (older sister) (dead), kanao (little sister) (alive), inosuke (Adopted brother/son) (alive)

Official profile: Y/n Kocho acts kind and nice most of the time, but when it's galra she gets angry so yea

Affiliation: Rebel forces (formally), team voltron (currently)

Spacecraft: Castle of lions (just lives there)

Status: Alive (but wounded)

Occupation: None
I once believed that the road of happiness continued forever and ever into the distance. When it was destroyed, I realized for the first time that it lies upon a thin sheet of glass.
- Y/n Kocho



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—---------------------------------------------------------Personality:Y/n displays a bright, friendly and cheerful demeanor, always having an easygoing smile on his face regardless of the situation he is in

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Y/n displays a bright, friendly and cheerful demeanor, always having an easygoing smile on his face regardless of the situation he is in. However, his outward behavior is shown very quickly to be a façade. This is displayed in the way he enjoys teasing others, to the point of being rather sadistic about it, enjoying most notably to pick on Keith. Despite his relaxed exterior and his initial claim of wanting to get along with galras, he can be rather cruel towards them, which is seen when he kills a random galra after giving it false hope of helping it, and attempting to kill lotor without hesitation. Later on, he is shown to have a more compassionate side towards both keith and lotor after hearing their full story.

It is later revealed that his outwardly calm and tranquil disposition is worn as a mask, as y/n holds an intense hatred for galras due to the loss of his sister, Kanae Kocho, at a young age, along with the deaths of his parents, almost all of his Tsuguko, and the families of his apprentices at the Butterfly Mansion. This hatred is so strong that he is in a near-constant state of extreme anger, which is sensed by Hunk when the two individuals hold a conversation. His desire for revenge rendered his unable to live the normal life his sister had wished upon him, instead devoting the entirety of his energy to defeating galras.

During his battle against 50 galrss, y/n reveals that he also suffers from an inferiority complex due to his inferior physical abilities compared to his fellow friends, having been jealous of them for possessing taller or more muscular bodies than him and cursing his own body for not developing further to make him more effective in combat.

Y/n's younger self had a more brash, blunt and uncomplicated demeanor as seen when he and his sister rescued Kanao Tsuyuri, who he had a pointedly negative attitude towards raising. After the death of Kanae, however, y/n began to outwardly behave more like his sister and eventually developed her positive attitude and mannerisms to match while internally holding in his rage, which he later clarifies is fueled by his desire to continuously display the smile that her sister favored. Though never shown onscreen, y/n has a notable temper, namely in the way that makes even allura take notice.
(To hunk) - "How can you feel sorry for something that's killed and enslaved billons of people? I've never heard of anything so absurd. But if that was how my sister truly felt, then I must carry it on. If there's a way not to kill these pitiful galras, I have to keep trying to come up with it. Without ever extinguishing the smile my sister said she loved..."

(To himself, responding to a question hunk asked in the past) - "Yes, I'm angry, hunk. I've always been angry. My parents were killed. My older sister was killed. And all my Tsuguko except Kanao were killed. If galras hadn't murdered those girls' families, they'd be living happily with them right now. It really makes me furious!"

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