Chapter 8: Moonlight and Magic

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"Do you think I can trust Klaus?" Chantal asked.

Doc Jacob didn't reply immediately. His grizzled hair looked a little more disheveled than normal. Neal suspected he'd caught the doctor during a busy period of lectures. Jacob didn't see many patients, restricting himself to those who were connected to his specialty of psychological manipulation. Neal and Klaus were both textbook examples of that.

Neal and Chantal had been meeting with him for close to an hour in his brownstone near the Columbia University campus. Jacob was already quite familiar with Chantal's background because Klaus had been surprisingly open about their marriage during his therapy sessions.

"No guarantees, I'm sorry to say," Jacob told her. "I can tell you that Klaus believes he was the happiest he's ever been when he was with you. He regrets deeply having cheated on you. He's currently driven by a desire to discover how much of his behavior was influenced by Rolf. I confirmed these findings through hypnosis." He turned to Neal. "I suspect you have the same questions as Chantal."

Neal nodded. "I'd like to believe him but I'm wary."

"You're wise to be cautious. It will take time to learn just how much Klaus can recover from the damage his brother inflicted upon him. I believe Rolf manipulated Klaus since he was a young child in a case of chronic emotional abuse. Chantal, throughout your marriage, Rolf exerted a strong hold on him. We have evidence that Doctor Penfold collaborated with Rolf, starting as early as the mid-1990s. The FBI obtained Penfold's correspondence, and in one of those early emails, he refers to an experiment he conducted on Klaus in 1997."

"Have Klaus's lawyers been able to obtain a new trial?" Neal asked.

"Not yet but I suspect they'll be successful. They have a strong case. The crime Klaus was found guilty of in the United States occurred during a period when the records of manipulation are the most detailed. At the very least, he'll likely wind up with a reduced sentence."

"How long will you continue to see him?" Chantal asked.

"The NSA is eager for me to continue my work as they're concerned their undercover operatives could be similarly manipulated." Jacob nodded at Neal. "Their grant also covers consultations with you. If at any time you feel uneasy about a relapse, I want to hear about it. There'll be no charge to you."

"If anything pops up, I'll let you know," Neal assured him.

"Good. Klaus has expressed a desire to continue the sessions no matter what happens to his case." Jacob adjusted his rolled-up flannel sleeves. "Chantal, you asked me if you could trust him. What do you think?"

She reflected for a moment before replying. "Klaus used to compare me to a house cat. I longed to start a family with him, but he insisted children would restrict his freedom. Now he says he'd like to settle down with me and have kittens. Can a leopard be tamed? I'm uneasy."

"As you should be, but he's voiced similar views to me. I believe his desire is sincere."

"I made a major course correction," Neal said. "The life I want now has little resemblance to what I wanted when Chantal and I first met. I won't prejudge Klaus."

Chantal reached over to clasp his hand. "Nor will I."

* * * * *

Neal hailed a taxi for Chantal after the consultation. Jacques and André were waiting for her at La Palette. Packing was on Neal's agenda. He'd spend the night with Henry and Eric. Sara would move into the guest bedroom that June's daughter had used as a dressing room for her wedding. The next time Neal and Sara would see each would be at the ceremony at the Morgan.

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