Chapter Eight: Ghosted

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Armani's POV

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Armani's POV

It's been a few days--scratch that almost a week and a half since I last saw Antonio. Did he ghost me? Had I done something wrong? There's been no texts or calls from my missing fling, since a month or so of us going out on dates here and there.

Did he die? Was he okay? I was growing concerned, but even more annoyed that my messages have been left on delivered for days.

I sighed frustrated and scrolled and refreshed my messages for the millionth time today to make sure I didn't miss anything. The only thing new that popped up was a message from the work group chat that had both Alberto, Sienna, and I in it.

Alberto and Sienna were going back and forth on making plans to go to the opening of a new club in town tonight. I was planning on not going after all I was very down in the dumps.

Where did everything go wrong? How could he just dip like that after everything he said? Men really weren't shit.

I decided to click on the group chat on Whatsapp and read through their messages.

Sienna: Armani, where are you girl??? I need you as my wing woman tonight!!

I laughed to myself as I read through their flood of messages questioning where I've been and if I was still alive and breathing. I moved to lay on my other side, facing the wall where one of my paintings of landscapes hung.

I had laid in my white comfy, cotton covers all day since I didn't have work today. I was so disappointed and frustrated with what happened with Antonio that I didn't have the spirit to enjoy and roam freely around the beautiful country I was in.

I finally decided to text back to let them know I was in fact alive and well--well physically not mentally.

Armani: I think I'll skip out guys. I'm not feeling up to it.

Immediately, I saw a text bubble pop up letting me know Alberto was texting. I waited patiently, staring at the screen waiting for his text to be sent and shown on my screen.

Alberto: Oh you're definitely going! It's almost been two weeks. Forget that dude and find someone else at the club tonight.

I sighed. It had almost been two weeks and I was still stuck on a man who couldn't even send a text that he didn't want to pursue anything serious. He wasn't worth my frustration, which is exactly why I decided I was going to the club tonight.

I was going to enjoy myself and look hot while doing it.

Armani: Fine. You convinced me. See y'all there.

I enjoyed a few more minutes on my phone, before getting up and getting ready.

I quickly ran to take a quick shower to freshen up. I shaved and exfoliated it, before heading out of the shower to moisturize my skin with this amazing shea butter lotion.

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