Chapter Nineteen: The Silent Game

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Armani's POV

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Armani's POV

Antonio was sprawled across my unmade queen bed, scrolling through his black i phone 14 while I finished the last bits of the outfit I was going to wear today. I heard him grunting and groaning occasionally as he tapped loudly on his phone. He's been trying to beat this one level for weeks and still hasn't yet passed it.

I scoffed as I leaned toward the bathroom mirror and flicked my eyelash up with the black mascara wand. That's what he gets. I felt extremely petty and didn't even want to go on this date. Let alone, watch these kids...but I've already made a commitment. Plus, I figured I could torment Antonio with the silent treatment and look hot while doing it.

I smirked to myself at the very thought of seeing Antonio's thick, bushy eyebrows furrow and him forming a cute pout on his lips. All set with a glare directed towards anyone I was granting my attention to that was not him. That will teach him. I softly chuckled to myself at the thought of it.

I felt Antonio's gaze finally leave his phone as an add played out and felt his burning eyes linger on me as he looked at me through the open on-suite door. But, I paid him no mind and continued to finish up my makeup. Quickly, I rummaged through my transparent makeup bag that sat on the tiled counter and rummaged through the messy contents in search of my Dior lip oil.

Once I found it, I applied the shimmery, glossy darkened marron onto my full lips. I rubbed my lips together and puckered them together to spread the coat evenly. Just as I finished my makeup, I felt Antonio push my stray curls out of the way, before wrapping his ring-covered hand around my waist and kissing along my neck. His cold rings along with his kisses sent a shiver down my spine. But, I was on a mission. So, I proceeded to ignore his tactics of swooning me over and brushed him off, while I grabbed my claw clip for my hair.

It was too hot of a day to have my curls down, heating up my neck.

"Amor, you look so beautiful," He growled, staring at me with a pout and furrowed, bushy brows since I had blown his advances off.

"Don't amor me," I barked back, removing myself from his possessive hold, and clipped my curls up into the cute new floral resin claw clip I got at the market with the help of gel.

I finally finished getting ready and checked myself out in the mirror. I twirled around to see how my butt looked in the form-fitting black dress I was wearing. And, as expected it looked amazing. Antonio was right--I looked hot!

Armani's Outfit

Armani's Outfit

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