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A disturbed mother sat beside her broken daughter, whose life seemed to be falling apart, yet she had no words. Anne had a perfect love story. Her first boyfriend is her husband now and they hope that only death would tear them apart. Over thirty years and they're still riding in their lovey-dovey boat. Marintia hoped her story would be the same but alas. They sat in silence for what seemed like forever, each weeping silently. Marintia sat on the bed with her head resting on the wall, still in her gown while her mother sat opposite her at the bed's edge.
As soon as Anne broke the silence by calling Marintia by her local name, 'Emefa', she broke down completely and started sobbing loudly. Her mother hugged her tightly, trying to hold back her own tears, "it's okay, it's okay", she said comfortingly, rubbing her child's shoulder.
"Most people go through counselling and pay huge sums of money to get through something like this. Some people spend many years of their lives traumatised, still angry and biitter over issues like this. Not you my daughter, Emefa this won't be your story. You will rise from the soil they have tried to bury you in. You will germinate. You will move on and find love and happiness". Marintia only cried more as she clung onto her mother. "Just know, my baby, that you did nothing wrong. Don't you ever think he left you because there's something wrong with you. He is not wise, he does not think. You are worth more than rubbies dear, you're so precious and I mean it. You deserve all the love in the world my baby".
After two hours, Marintia seemed okay and even requested that her food be brought to her. Her mother watched her eat. "Would you like to go on a honeymoon?"
Marintia gave her mother a confused look, " what's the point? There's no point, why would you even ask that?"
"Well your friends are planning a Dubai trip if you're interested..."
Marintia just continued eating her meal. "Won't you say something? Won't you join them? At least to cheer yourself up and also a new environment would help your mental health".
"Mom I wanted to go to Paris, not Dubai. I was in Dubai last two months. Plus, what about the tickets I bought for myself and Chris?"
"You can give them to your dad and I. We'll go to Paris on your behalf. Besides, you can still go to Paris when you find that blessed man who is worthy of you".
"You're so sweet mama, thank you but l'm not going".
"You need to leave this environment. You need some new air, you're not going to get well by trapping yourself in this room", Anne sounded impatient.
"Okay, fine".
"Now that's what I'm talking about".

"Have you girls packed everything?" , Anne asked as the four ladies descended the stairs looking like excited University students on a tour in their jeans and tees.
"Mummy please let Adele know she doesn't need two large suitcases. This will only be a one week affair". Wendy said.
"I'll carry them myself, what's your problem?" Adele retorted.
"Okay. I don't want to hear 'help me with my this' o".
The drive to the airport was a lovely one. Marintia managed to loosen up a bit which made it a more  interesting drive.
"You girls should have fun, and make sure you post at least a picture on your Instagram pages everyday. Let your enemies know you didn't jump off a storey building or drown yourself in a pool. Let them know you did not stop eating by posting all those Chinese dishes on your feed". The ladies laughed at Anne's goodbye piece of advice.
"Okay mamaa".
She hugged them and left the airport feeling so relieved and hopeful that her daughter was going to come back better and stronger.
The ladies spent one night in Kenya before proceeding to Dubai the next day.

"That stupid, mannerless, classless woman was here with her dummy of a husband the other day", Mrs. Asante complained  to her son as they were enjoying a mini picnic on their lawn.
"Who else? Anne. I don't know why we even got involved with them in the first place. How did I cope with such people for three years?".
"Mom, don't be too dramatic about this", Chris laughed, " those days, were good too".
" I wanted to sue her in court for the insult. Can you believe she called you a bastard?"
"Mummy... Why do you worry yourself over such trivial matters? Let them talk all they want and rain all the curses they can. Life is not a Nigerian movie you know". Both mother and son laughed. "They think some sort of suffering will come upon me, and they are going to be vindicated in some way. Such delusional lunatics".
"Lest I forget erm... Mr. Kusi's wife has invited me to her sixtieth birthday party next week. I was hoping we could go together so that you and her daughter would meet and get acquainted".
"Sure, no problem. I can't wait to meet her myself".
"Son, I'm so proud of you. You make me so happy unlike that your useless brother who has decided to be the balck sheep of the family".
"You've still not heard from him?"
"No... Ever since he defied my order by marrying that bush girlfriend of his, I disowned him and you know this".
" Just that? That's why you and Dad refused to have anything to do with him?"
"No. He refused to join your father's business and started his own".
"Mummy I know. Is that why?".
"That doesn't sound like a problem to you? That he chose to be rebellious means nothing to you?"
Chris shrugged, "I don't care anyway. If he still maintains his stance on this issue, I'll eventually leave this company I'm working with and be the next heir to Dad's company and all his other property".
"Exactly. You'd also be married to a billionaire's daughter which is good investment. We're building an empire. Cheers ".

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