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 ? ? ? POV

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? ? ? POV

" Don't you dare do it you little sh- " but before Killua could finish his sentence , a portal made entirely out of white sucks him in and closes before Gon could get it. " What did you do! Where did you put him! " the villain just shrugs. " I don't care, your just another brat in my way. And you'll be next. "

Killua is starting to drift into nothingness. He see's something in the distance.. ' a portal! ' killua thought. He swam? Across the white abyss and towards the purple portal. He enters feet firsts and immediately gets crowded by multiple people. He quickly, and swiftly runs fast away that to a naked eye he looked like he just teleported. He ran behind one of the fake props in the big glass dome.

He looks around and see's different habitats? Is he in some sort of zoo? And those are the animals? He looks at the mutated humans . ' Maybe they're experiments. ' he thinks looking at the ugl- I mean poor people. But another group stands before them and they're all kids with some brown ups. ' Looks like a showdown I should watc- NO! I've got to get back. But... where the hell am I ? "

[ 8.16.2022 ]

2022 ]

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KILLUA MEETS MHA Where stories live. Discover now