One Call Away (Zidan!sister!reader)

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TRIGGER WARNING - This fic does involve verbal and emotional abuse, please read carefully. If you are in a bad situation yourself there are some resources to help you.

Canada : 1-866-863-0511 or 1-866-996-0991USA : 1−800−799−SAFE(7233) or TTY 1−800−787−3224 or (206) 518-9361 (Video Phone Only for Deaf Callers)I'm sorry I couldn't include more resources, please everyone do your best to stay safe and help each other.


OA actually isn't in this one much, just a couple of phone calls. Basically, you're going to Chicago for university. OA takes a couple of days off to help you move there, and introduces you to Jay Halstead, an old friend from his time in the Rangers, and they tell you that he's a cop and if you ever need help to call him cause he's a lot closer than OA is. You're in your third year, living with your long-term boyfriend when he starts cheating on you and turns aggressive. He gets very possessive and controlling, he hasn't hit you but you're scared he's going to. You need help, so you call Jay.

You were the youngest of five siblings, making you the baby of the family. It was annoying honestly. You got everyone's hand me down's, you were never taken seriously, and you were constantly being 'protected'. By your older sisters, by your brother, by your mother, by everyone. Hell, even your eldest sister's cat was protective of you.

Which is why you decided to go to university in Chicago. You needed a change of scenery... And to not be within four hours' driving distance of your family. You loved your family, but they can be... A lot. The fact that you'd gotten a full scholarship to Northwestern helped you plead your case when you told them, though.

Omar did not react well at first, not wanting you to be so far away.

"Seriously, Y/N? Chicago is a twelve-hour drive away at least, what if something happens? What if you need us? Can't you just pick somewhere closer to home?"

"No I can't Omar, Northwestern is the only university that I got a full scholarship for, and I'd prefer to not end up drowning in student debt. I have to go to Chicago." He ran his hands over his face before standing up abruptly and leaving your family's apartment. You winced at how loud he slammed the door.

But the next day he was suspiciously apologetic, supportive, and excited. You were skeptical but happy that he'd gotten on board... Until he dropped you off at your dorm, that is. OA had offered to drive you, and because Chicago was twelve hours away, you two had decided to make a road trip of it. It had been a fun three days just spending time with your only brother before going on your first solo adventure. Then, right after you and OA had gotten out of the truck, someone you hadn't seen since you were six years old, at their graduation from Ranger training. They did one of those weird bro hugs before turning to face you. "Hey OA, how've you been?"

"Good, all things considered. You remember my baby sister Y/N?"

"Yeah, it's been a while though. The last time I saw you, you were wearing a blue tutu and carrying around a Winnie the Pooh bear, so you've certainly grown up."

"Well, the last time I saw you I was six, so..." He chuckled and you stepped towards him for a hug. You may not have seen him since you were six, but you'd joined in on some phone or video calls since then, and OA updated you about how some of his Ranger buddies were doing from time to time. You sighed as you separated, finally knowing why Omar was suddenly okay with you being so far away. "So you're why he chilled out about me going to school here?"

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