Evil and Dangerous Part 2 (Rhodes!sister)

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You didn't want to go to school. You finally knew the truth about your paternity, but part of you honestly wished you didn't. You wished that everything could go back to before your life had been completely torn apart. One small mercy was that due to your mom's guilt and shame towards the situation she called the school and got you excused for the day.

She also had to call out of work, but that's because she had to deal with a bunch of legal stuff. Last night, she'd told you that she'd been pressured to sign an NDA to basically keep her relationship with your father and your entire existence a secret, and with the truth breaking out in the press, she had to prove it wasn't her or else there would be legal consequences. Thankfully you didn't have to go with her and could just stay at home with your cell phone off. You hadn't had much of a social media presence to begin with, but the measly Facebook account you did have blew up overnight with people slut shaming your mom and you. Which you didn't completely understand, it's not like you chose to exist or chose your parents. And though your mom was wrong to sleep with a married man, he was the one in the marriage. It was his job to make sure he remained faithful to his wife, no one else's. The only reason you found out about any of this was because a tabloid printed about your paternity in a magazine and suddenly paparazzi were trying to force themselves into your school to take pictures of you without your knowledge or permission.

One actually managed to get inside and find your English class. It was absolutely terrifying. And you didn't know what was even happening, no one would explain it to you, and no one was sympathetic to the position you were in besides Connor.

So you were sitting on your couch snuggled in your comfiest blanket and trying to distract yourself with CSI: Crime Scene Investigation reruns with the curtains drawn and every lock imaginable on your door because the vultures had found your address.

The one condition your mom had given you for staying home was that if the landline rang, you had to answer it. It hadn't been ringing off the hook, which thankfully meant that none of the vultures have found it yet. When its shrill ring flooded the apartment you got up, expecting it to be your mom or aunt.



"Diego?" Diego Dawson, your best friend since the first grade. You'd been through so much together but you'd be lying if you said you weren't worried he was going to turn his back on you like everyone else.

"Are you okay? You weren't in algebra this morning, there's an absolute media circus outside, and my calls wouldn't go through to your phone."

"I'm fine. Stayed home today, and turned my phone off... Is it really that bad at school? I just didn't want to go because people started calling me a slut for existing. I know that there are some people with cameras parked outside the building, I have to keep the curtains closed and the door bolted shut today."

"It doesn't sound like you're fine. This is a lot. And I know that your mom has never told you who your dad is, it must have been horrible to find out like this."

"It..." You choked out a sob and tried to stop the rapidly forming tears from falling down your face. "It sucks. It really freaking sucks. I had no idea. I never knew, and I found out from some random kids in the halls and some creep jumping into class to take my picture. I... I didn't know and everyone hates me and I didn't do anything wrong and it hurts. All of this hurts."

"Maybe I should try to come over after school?"

"No, don't. I don't want you to get tangled up in this mess."

"Okay, but I'm always here to talk. Class is about to start so I have to go. By the way, Connor Rhodes, Cornelius Rhodes' son, and your half brother I guess, showed up and he's standing in front of all the cameras and news crews right now. I don't know what he's saying, but I figured I should warn you."

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