Chapter 4

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Todoroki's pov:

Its been a week since I've come back to the dorms. I've been attending most of my classes, I record the lessons and later ask Bakugou questions if something wasn't explained well enough. He helps me study, which has been helping my grades a little.

Now I have a head set to see, so I won't be needing Bakugou's help so much, which makes me both happy and a little sad. I like having Bakugou take care of me. My mom, Toya, and Fuyume were the only ones who ever took care of me before. Which my siblings can only do so much, being kids themselves as well, and my mom was sent away after the tea pot incident.

I'm excited I can see again though. I'm happy I can see everyone I care about, and I can walk without extra help and now I can attend all of my classes and take notes properly. However since the headset doesn't have a long life I'll probably still need Bakugou's help sometimes, and it's not waterproof, so I can only take baths with it if it doesn't get wet, then take it off to wash my hair.

"Damnit, this better be good. " Bakugou angrily grunted at me. "You'll love it, don't worry. " I smiled at the taller boy.

On our way out we were stopped by some friends and classmates, asking about my new head set and where we were going, but eventually we left the dorms and headed to the ice rink.

"I'm very excited to skate again. " I said trying to make conversation so we wouldn't have to walk in awkward silence. "Yeah? " Bakugou said sounding unamused. He probably didn't want to come, but if he really didn't want to come he would've stayed. He's probably pretending like he doesn't want to come, or he's board. "You know Bakugou, you've calmed down a lot since you lost your dad." I pointed out to him. "Have I? I guess so. I never really noticed. " he said thinking it over.

"Yeah. If I had said something like that before his death, you would have yelled at me about how I'm wrong or it's none of my business. Something like that. " "Yeah I would have, but I've also calmed down a lot around only you. It's not like I have a soft spot for you or something so don't get that in your head! Your going through shit right now and I don't need to be adding crap onto it. " Bakugou said avoiding eye contact with me.

I can't tell if he's telling the truth. Midoriya has said before that sometimes when bakugou denies something without it being brought up by someone else first, that's actually the case. Could Bakugou have a soft spot for me? No. He said he didn't like me. "Thank you for being considerate. It doesn't seem like something that's normal to think of you as. " "huh? You don't think I'm fucking considerate!? I'm not a God damn monster you half and half bastard! "

"Hay, I thought you were gonna be nicer to me. " I said playfully, pouting a bit. "Tsk whatever. " I held back my laughter. "You've become better at socializing and emotions since we've had to stay in the dorms." Bakugou brought up. "Well, when I had to stay at home, I'd just stay in my room all of the time. But now I don't have to. I feel more comfortable around the class so I've spent less time secluded."

"Your dad's an ass." Bakugou muttered. "He is, but regardless of him, I'm a much better person now after spending so much time with you guys. I've learned so much about mannerisms, communication, and feeling. This makes me a better hero too. I've even learned what a crush was, seeing as I like someone now. " I ranted a little. "Grows, you have a crush? " Bakugou said scrunching up his nose.

"I do, but he doesn't like me back. " I said sadly. "How do you know? " "Because I asked him. He said he didn't like me, and theirs not much I can do about that except to accept it and move on. " I answered. "That's bullshit." "What do you mean? He doesn't know I like him. " I told Bakugou. "Then how could he possibly tell you the truth? If you don't be honest with him, how is he supposed to feel comfortable telling you something personal like that, especially since if he did like you, that personal information would be about you. "

Deaf Bakugou x Blind TodorokiWhere stories live. Discover now