Meet and greet~Matt

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Summary:you get ready for the sturniolo triplets and meet your crush,Matt, there but what will happen when he asks for your number?
I was in my room getting ready with my friends McKenna and Kim.

"Are you almost ready y/n,we've got to get going soon." Kim asked in her soft German accent. "Yeah I'm almost ready I just have to finish straightening this last piece." I told her as she nodded.

We were getting ready to go to the Houston meet and greet for the sturniolo triplets.

"Okay I'm all done." I said unplugging the straightener and looking into my vanity one last time to make sure I look good.

"Ok." Kim said grabbing her car keys because she was driving.

We all headed down the stairs and told my parents we were off to the meet and greet and would be back soon.

"I'm kind of nervous." McKenna admitted. "Yeah me too." Kim agreed causing me to nod my head in agreement as well.

We finally got there and got out.

We stood in line waiting to go in. We started to sweat from being in the hot Houston heat.

We finally made it inside and we were watching the sturniolo triplets answer questions. I was so proud of how far they've become in their career. It made me start to tear up at the thought. "Are you okay y/n?" McKenna asked looking over at me. "Yeah it's just so crazy how far they've come." I told her causing her to nod and bring me into a hug.

After they got off the stage we got to go back and meet them and take pictures.

"It's super crowded back here." Kim said and me and McKenna agreed.

It was finally our turn to take a picture and I hugged Nick and he nudged Matt and said "you're very pretty. What's your name?" I smiled widely and replied, "y/n."

I then walked over to Matt and he gave me a hug and looked at me after pulling away. "Can I uh get your number y/n?" He asked causing me to almost faint (metaphorically speaking lol) at the question. "Uh y-yeah of course." I told him causing me to mentally face palm because of me stuttering. I gave him my number and he gave me one last hug.

McKenna,Kim,and I walked out of the big building and walked out to the car.

"Oh my gosh I can't believe that we actually got to meet them!" Kim practically shouted. "I know right!" McKenna replied. "I can't believe Matt asked for my number." I said and the Kim pressed on the breaks and they both yelled, "what?!" in sync. "Yeah Matt asked me for my number." I told them and McKenna smiled ear to ear. "I cannot believe it! Y/n finally got her dream man's number!" She shouted. "I know right,I mean who can blame Matt y/n is beautiful but I can't believe it either!" She shouted.

Later that night I got a message from a random number.

Hey is this y/n?

Uh yes?

Oh hey,it's Matt.

Oh hey! I forgot I gave you my number lol

Yeah,I think y/n is a pretty name!

Awww thank you Matt!<3333333

Yeah of course. Anyways it's getting late and I'm tired but talk to you tmr?


Ok goodnight y/n😴

Goodnight Matt☺️

End of texts

A/N:I hope y'all liked this and McKenna and kimmie bear ily and if you're reading this surprise!!! I love y'all! I kinda wanna make this into a book tbh ngl so lmk if I should!!!ILY SM AND STAY SAFE AND HEALTHY!!!♥️♥️

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