He is Gone Forever

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A few hours ago in the middle of school I got a call from dad saying that he had something important to tell me. He asked me to come home as soon as possible. When I reached home and heard my telephone ring, little did I know that this call was going to change my life; in a bad way to be specific.

I rushed into the hospital doors and held the first nurse I saw and yelled at her with a panic stricken face "WHERE IS THE EMERGENCY ROOM!!??"

"Miss!! Miss you need to check in at the reception first!! Miss" I heard her calling me but I walked away.

I rushed to the reception and pleaded "I'm here to see my father please. Please!! Tell me where the emergency room is?!!!"

"Name please?" I could see the pity in her eyes. I shrugged it off. I used to such looks after people hearing that my mother died when I was five.

"MELISSA!! Melissa Grey. Daniel Grey's daughter please let me in please." I said it loud and clear so that she wouldn't have to ask me again

"Go straight. Take two lefts and the last door is the emergency room." She said it in a rushed way.

I was running through the corridors getting annoyed looks.I bumped into a man in a wheelchair and ran without apologizing.

I faintly heard someone say "Ay girl!! Watch where you go!!"

Just as I reached the emergency room I saw a doctor coming out of it.

I rushed towards him almost tripping over my own feet.

"What happened??? How is he? Please doctor. Is he fine?"

"I'm sorry miss but we couldn't save him." These few words. Who knows the weight of these words until the 'him' is referring to someone they love. For me my dad was my everything. He was my mother, my guardian, my teacher. It was all over.

The words exchanged during the phone call I received at home replayed in my mind:


"Hello. Grey residence."

"Hello I am from the City hospital. Mr Daniel Grey has gotten into a car accident."

I didn't wait for her next words. I rushed and took a taxi to the hospital.


Here I am now, sitting outside the emergency room.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and looked up to see the same doctor I talked to some time back.

"Miss Grey your father was a great man. Do you know how he got into an accident dear?"

I just blankly stared at the hospital floor. No thoughts. No emotions. Lifeless. I had tear stains on my cheeks.

"Well, he was saving a little girl who would've gotten hit if he wasn't there. You should be proud of him. "

I looked at his face. I saw pain.

Doctors aren't as emotionless as they seem. They're just used to seeing pain and misery that they learn how not to cry at their patient's death.

Who is there to ask the doctors how they feel when they lose their patients.

"Thank you." I said.

He looked perplexed.

"Thank you for trying to save his life. I'm sorry for your loss." He clearly did not expect me to say this.

"By loss I mean your patient." This time he understood what I meant. He hugged me and said "God bless you child."

I just nodded and walked out of the hospital.

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