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The morning went the same as every other except for one thing, y/n put on the official UA school uniform for the first time. Her whole body buzzed with pride that she was finally officially enrolled. Of course technically she had already graduated, all of her grades were set through her third year, and she already had her hero license but this was different, her family had decided that she needed to go through her high school years as a student to make bonds with her classmates. This was purely a social education rather than a normal one with the added bonus of continued training. She had never gone to a school because her family taught her, she never had friends because socializing with people her own age had always led her to a panic when she was younger. She tried to inform her family she did have friends but the now big three being in their last years and her being the age of a first year didn't convince them that three friends three years above her were enough to let her go straight into hero work.

As they arrived at the school her fathers looked at her with proud yet nervous expressions. "I'm gunna be fine how hard can making friends really be" she hid her nerves with a confident smile before hopping out of the car to run into the school to great some of her family and help with any preparations before the other students got there. After helping set up a few of the classrooms y/n went and sat with her uncle and grandmother for some tea. "So how are you feeling hun?" Her grandmother and her had spent a lot of time together being she got hurt so often in her younger years the woman had learned to read her better than any of her other family. She sat next from the aged healing hero while her uncle was sitting behind his desk in his booster chair to be able to reach the tea pot. "I'm so excited because I've never actually been apart of the class before and so I never really had the chance to make friends other than Tamaki and that was just because he was as scared of people as I was and then he made friends with the other two of the current big three so I made friends with them by association but what it they don't like me and I'm outcasted in my own class or what if they become friends with me because I'm the teachers daughter to try and use me for good grades and-" she's cut off by a gentle hand on her own. "There going to love you there is no reason not to and once they see how hard your dad is on you compared to the rest any alternative motives will flush down the drain" he words calmed her beating heart. "The doors have opened already y/n you should head to class so your not the last one in there" the awareness of the time broke her from her thoughts as she stood "of course thank you uncle- I mean principal Nezu" she was waived off with a " don't worry about formality unless we're with other students dear your still my nice that won't change" and with that she bowed and left the office towards her classroom.

1-A the room she had grown up in the doors she opened so easily a million times seemed 100% larger right now. y/n pulled herself from her thoughts and went inside the classroom. The first thing she saw was the blue haired boy from the entrance exam yelling at the blonde from the judgment room for having his feet on the desk. Without thought or fear she moved towards the arguing teens threw the blonde boys feet to the floor and took the seat in front of him. Somehow she knew exactly how he would respond even though she had never met him before he really was familiar. He stood to begin yelling at her sparks starting up in his hands but fell silent when she matched his movements even the small explosions in her palms. Everyone in the room was staring at the display a small boy behind the blonde hitch green hair looked like he was going to pass out "The fuck" was all he could get out before the door opened and in walked or rather waddled a giant yellow caterpillar. y/n took her seat immediately ignoring the confused boy and let out an audible giggle at her dads entrance she was met with a glowing glare by him and with that class began.
After Aizawas surprise assessment that had ended with a twist the students were back in the classroom gifted with precious free time to get to know one another as y/n sat at her desk she was surprised by a mass of pink setting down on the desk in front of her "Mina Ashido, that was awesome what you did back there were going to be great friends I know it" it took y/n a few seconds to process her words but then offered a bright smile to the girl. "Aizawa y/n you can call me y/n but yeah I think we will be friends!" The pink girl in front of her lit up at her agreement then looked puzzled then a look of understanding went through her whole body "that's why teach was so much harder on you girl sucks but hey you can always come hang out with me when you need a break from being the teachers kid" she finished her statement with a wink and relief filled y/n's heart at the words. Mina then proceeded to introduce her to the other friends she had already made. An electric blonde with a lightning bolt through his hair, that kept spouting crappy electricity themed pickup lines at the group that made the girls giggle and the boys groan. A red head with teeth like a shark that said manly way to much but was like a little puppy so she couldn't be annoyed with him. A black haired boy with a big smile that joked around with everyone making them all smile. They all sat around the explosive blonde she had learned was named Bakugou who was looking a little annoyed but wasn't as angry at their presence as everyone else's.

By the end of the day there was a group chat made with the six of them in it they had all passed their phones around to get numbers and profile picture with the exception of Bakugou who had his phone stolen by denki to get the number out and took quick pictures of them each before he noticed. She had made five friends and it was the first day. When she made it to her room the group chat was full of memes already sent mostly by denki and sero with threats from Bakugou aimed towards them for stealing his phone but he didn't leave the group.
Denks~ sooo we should definitely all hang out this weekend!
Kiri~ definitely manly first friend hangout!
Sero~ I'm down
Mina~ I'm so innnnn but only if y/n comes I'm not gunna be the only girl there.
Bakugou~ no
Kiri~ come on bakubro that's not very manly
Y/n~ I'll have to ask my dad's but I'd love to!
Mina~ so what are we doing?
Denks~ we could do karaoke then hang out at the mall
Bakugou~ no
Kiri~ come on bakubro I know you wanna hang out with us!
Bakugou~ don't call me that shitty hair!
Y/n~ my dad's said yeah so we're on for Friday night baby!
Bakugou~ fine
Y/n saw a separate chat notification from Mina pop up and clicked it.
Mina~ did you see that!!!!!
Y/n~ see what?
Mina~ Bakugou totally agreed to hang out with us after you said you were going!!!
Y/n~ WHAT NO! He was responding to kirishima!
Mina~ I think he likes you!!!! Omg you guys are totally going to get together!!!
Y/n~ Mina shut up your delusional!
Mina~ mhm
Y/n clicked the power button on her phone and burried her head in the cold pillow below her trying to relieve some of the heat spreading through her cheeks. It was just a coincidence the messages came in that order there's no way that she's right, is there?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2022 ⏰

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