Addison (never have I ever)

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Requested by LeShipper22

y/n p.o.v
I sighed as I looked over at fabs and Addison talking. They have been hanging out a lot more recently. I felt jealousy bubble up inside me as they looked like they were flirting. I frowned and sighed softly. "Hey n/n are you ok?" Devi asked me. I shook my head no. "What wrong n/n?" "Addison and Fabiola keep hanging out and I don't really get to talk to them much anymore."  I was still frowning, I started walking away.

3rd p.o.v
As y/n was walking away, Devi went to go talk to them.
"Hey Addison, can you go talk to y/n? She's a little down." Devi asked Addison as she gave Fabiola a look.
"Yeah you should go talk to y/n." Fabiola said. Addison nodded with a smile. So they started walking to y/n room.

Y/n p.o.v
When I got to my room, I was playing the Olivia Rodrigo album. Suddenly happier came on and I started singing it. "So find someone great, but don't find no one better I hope you're happy, but don't be happier~" I heard a knock on my door and I got up and opened it. I see Addison standing there. "Oh hey Addison what are you doing up here?" I asked them as I gave a fake smile "I came to see if you were ok, I am worried." They said to me.  I sighed and told them to come in. "Here" I tossed them my phone. They looked confused. "You can play any song you want". They nodded at me and put on a song. "So are you ok?" Addison asked me. "Um.....Yeah I'm fine, just a little bit upset but other than that I'm okay."
"What wrong?" "Well.....I'm upset with Fabiola because she did something mean and I'm upset with her about it." I told them. "What are you mad about?" They tilted there head innocently. "Because she took something from me." I groaned. "What did she take?" Addison asked me. "You."

Addisons p.o.v
My breath hitched as soon as she said that. She likes me? "Really?" I asked her. She nodded and said "look Addison, I really really like you ok. You make me feel so funny inside. I love when you smile at me and you look at me." She told me and smiled slightly. I got confidence and grabbed her chin and made them look at me. I leaned in and kissed her. She is so beautiful and cute. She kissed me back. Things may have got a little heated but we stopped a few seconds later. Now I'm laying in bed her with cuddling. "I like you too." I told her and smiled. She leaned up and kissed my lips before going back down and falling asleep. Turned off the music and fell asleep next to her.

3rd p.o.v
"Hehehe" Devi and Fabiola took pictures as they sneek down stair and high-fived.

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