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A/n: hey sorry I haven't been posting on my one-shot book but I have got like no ideas so I have help but I'm back for now. Plus school started to yay. But anyways here the story.

A-spen p.o.v
I was walking down to the football field to see if Zed was there. I have a "crush?" on y/n. She is so pretty and kind and smart. As I got to the football field I went over to the bleachers. Suddenly I heard quiet sobbing. Hm I wonder what that noise is. I'm going to check it out! I was walking down the bleachers and saw someone in there crying. It was.......Y/n? I immediately started walking faster. I wonder why she's crying.. I got to where she was and I called out to her. "Y/n? Is that you?" She looked up and saw me.

Y/n p.o.v
I heard a familiar voice. "Y/n? Is that you?" I look up to see A-spen. I was shocked. They came and sat down next to Me.
"Why Are you crying?" They asked me. I looked at them and wiped my tears.
"Um well I'm just so stressed with everything. My parents are really strict on grades and i-." I start rambling as they listened and I started crying even more from stress. Next thing you know I felt something warm on my lips.

3rd p.o.v
A-spen has kissed y/n to shut them up. Y/n was super shocked bc she didn't know that A-spen knew was kissing was and y/n started kissing back. Then they pulled away blushing.

A-spen p.o.v
They looked so pretty while rambling but I could tell she was getting worked up again and she started crying saying all this stuff about how her parents are hard about her on her grades. I decided to kissed them. They stayed still for a moment but kissed back. Then we pulled away blushing. "I-I like you." I told her as I said to her "I hate seeing you stressed." I Hugged her and then kissed her again. She then pulled away and put her head in my neck still hugging me.
"I love you my little spaceship." "I love you to."

matt cornett And Terry Hu imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now