Chapter 21

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In the morning kook woke up only to find his hyungie staring at him like there is no tomorrow ( more like he would eat him up ).

" stop staring at me hyungie " Kook shyly said facing the
" you are just so cute, I can't stop myself " Taehyung mumbled out

Soon Taehyung's eyes started to change colors, kook understood that his beast is trying to come out.

" let him out once, I wanna meet him, talk to him, " Kook said with puppy eyes
" baby if he comes out I can't control him. What if he loses control and does something to you huh "
" just shut up and let him out idiot " Kook growled back
" fine no funny business ok " tea said before giving V control over it.

Taehyung eyes changed into dark black making kook baby's eyes widen at his mate another version. ( well who wouldn't if he is hot and sexy as fuck with dark black eyes) 

" Well hello little mate," V said while taking kook closer to him.

" h-hi beasty-Wolvie, I love your eyes so much. " kook said unconsciously soon realizing the facial expression of V he smile sleepily 

On the other side, tea is growling inside being  jelly of his inner self ( this guy is a hopeless person )

" I love the nickname baby but that bastard is eating my brain out by jelly comments, let me shut him down for a while " 

" Is he angry that I called you Beasty-Wolvie?"  kook asked with wide eyes making V chuckle at him.

" you are cute baby but trust me I am at the edge of taking you off, but that idiot will eat my brains out if I get over on that. So let me just devour you " V Said growling before crashing his lots on kooks.

Soon it was a make-out and then love bites - it was going to get the extreme intensity..........!!!!!

But all shattered by one voice 

" YAH KIM TAEHYUNG-AH LEAVE MY BABY, OR ELSE I WILL CHOP YOUR DICK INTO PIECES" Jin yelled from the outside of the room well his beautiful sleep was ruined by their moans and grunts.

Soon tea took control over-

" THEN HOW YOU ARE GONNA GET YOUR GRAND PUPS PAPA " Tae yelled back laughing at him, still kissing kook who is lost in his world after Jin yelled.

" MY HUBBY IS ALWAYS READY TO GET ME PREGGY, I DON'T HAVE ANY PROBLEM. " Jin said sassily banging their door 



After a While

Taehyung came down carrying kook in arms and then had breakfast together, and then Jackson and Jennie came with Mia.

" Oppa, you look beautiful today but what happened to you are you sick, you got a mosquito bite all over your neck. Eomma let's take him to doc " Mia said looking at Jennie and kook, who are too red.

" AHAHH, HAHAHAA OPPA SHE CALLED YOU MOSQUITO " Ji-ah Laughed hard and fall to the floor at last.
( well I think she just imagined way too much, eg: him as a mosquito with stings and anther attached. And sucking kook's neck. )

But soon her laughter died on seeing him glaring at her.

" hehe sorry, you guys continue. Let's go " both Mia and Ji-ah said at the same time and grinned at each other while slipping out of there 

And then the breakfast scenario started, 
No one dared to disturb the Alpha, whose eyes are hungry for his bunny. 
Well, his mate is not ready for another round yet......
And the most incredible thing is Jackson made no sound, well let's just say that the mosquito bites gave him a shock- he imagined how he ravished his baby all night long till morning. 
those thoughts left him in utter shock.

And then he made kook rest and left for work- Not before asking Jennie and Jin ideas to impress kookie.

When he reached his office, he greeted Namjoon who is checking files... 

" Good morning appa "
" It's not good morning my son, we have an unexpected visitor, and jungkook is in danger. He is coming for him " Namjoon growled...

Hola my readers

I know you all losing interest in this book, and I think so.
Thank you for reading it.

But it's not ok, I am losing my hopes too,
The introduction part reached 1.2k but the 20th chap didn't even reach 300 it stopped at 211 reads.
This ratio explains to me that no one is interested in this.

Say it directly.
Do I have to continue or stop it- more like delete it

And my other books are in the same position though.
Losing hopes and interests.

I have a few questions.
Please answer me honestly.

Is this book not good?

Is this book not expected as you assumed?

Do you guys have any problem with the storyline?

Is it a lame soap story?

Am I a good writer?


Why do you guys don't even respond to my questions, statements, etc?????!!!!!

If don't wanna respond, leave it.

I will take some shitty decision.
My mind is messed up though.

Enjoy the Little update.

I will do updates soon soon.

bye take care y'all.

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