2:où sont-ils allés(french)

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I was sent out of my ball along with the others,isu(meowstic)was arguing with sio I walked close enough to hear them "I'm not staying in a team with that riolu!" Isu said "why he could be useful in a battle" "killing is a crime!" 'why did she bring up killing that has nothing to do with me'I thought I decided to leave for a awhile I saw a Pikachu and a richu the richu was attacking it I can't remember after that but the richu was gone but so was the Pikachu I saw some red stuff on the ground there was a trail of it going behind a tree I walked over there... There was some more meat, it looked different it was also cooked I decided to eat it...It tasted good,better than the other one I ate it, I was about to explore I couldn't remember what I did What I do remember is what happened when I went back...

When I went back...there was nothing only red stuff on the ground and more meat but it wasn't cooked I sat in a rock waiting for them to come back I waited for hours, when It got dark I went to sleep I wasn't going to look for them if they were rude enough to not come back

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