bonus:what happened during the black outs

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I was in my pokeball when my trainer sent me out to fight against another pokemon"use metal claw" he said I need to win this battle''I thought I used metal claw then the opposing Dratini used wrap so it was the perfect opportunity to use crunch I bit down hard at it the Dratini was screaming the skin came off its body the I got out of it's wrap I then charged at it and used drain punch I drained everything untill it was just meat and bones I didn't expect to do that it died tom came out of his pokeball "what the hell" he said I ran up to him and used metal claw and tore off his head I had to erase my memory somehow.


I asked Ninetales we're tom was "I don't know" she said I got mad no one would tell me where he was I attacked her I used iron tail on her throat I ran up to her then I used mega punch on her stomach she vomited on the ground "the.......hell...." I didn't allow her finish before I killed her with brick break.


I ran at the richu I wouldn't allow anyone being a bully I used shadow claw "who the fuck are you" the raichu said "I don't have a name" he started to laugh "so you're wild" "nope" he started to laugh harder "I guess your trainer and parents didn't love you enough to give you a name" he was laughing hard it made me mad I used mega kick and hit him unexpectedly he countered with iron tail it hit my eye it started to come out the hole thing "eww" he said as he took the eye off his tail while he was distracted I used counter then metal claw slicing his head off the Pikachu looked terrified I ran to him and used metal claw he dodged it... Barely he had a scratch on his tail he ran into a forest.


I wanted to explore but I wanted to kill more so I went back to base I saw the team I first went after my trainer I used earthquake causing a hole in the ground I I pushed my trainer in it took a minute but he hit the ground it was a long fall he definitely died I turned to my other friends they were gone.


I was in the water I wanted to kill more I dove down there was a (any water pokemon) I used metal claw then mega punch it's blood took up some space making some of the water dirty.



needed to help that pokemon I used quick attack on the bug(venipede) it used poison jab I purposely let it hit me then I used counter and knocked it out the tiny black one(zorua) ran away.


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