Chapter 16

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It had been a week since Lucifer had issued his warning, and still Pentious was far from ready to confront the man. It wasn't like he could simply lie to him; it was Lucifer for fuck's sake. The man was a snake himself and could tell when others lied to him, and it was common knowledge that he didn't appreciate it. Moving about the lab, he mulled over the facts that he had so that he could ensure they were straight. The first, was that he was in love with Arackniss. And that was first because it was, by far, the most important thing in all of this. It definitely hadn't been planned, and he was sure there were probably a million and one ways that he could of approached everything. He could have taken the risk and turned the position down the moment he started falling, and taken the hit. He could have told Lucifer the truth; that he'd fallen in love with Henroin's son and that it would cloud his judgement, sure. But he hadn't, and it was too late now.

Secondly, Henroin wasn't the Overlord of Drugs and Recreation; Arackniss was. His lover had all of the power and control, with none of the fame and glory, and that was just how he liked it. Because the last bit of information was that Arackniss liked the freedom of not being the Overlord in the public's eyes. Things like pictures and reporters made him nervous, even with everyone believing he was just the "unimpressive" and "obedient" son. They would swarm him if they knew the truth and never let him be, and he couldn't see that ending well for anyone involved. So now he had a decision to make, and he wasn't sure if he could do what needed to be done. "Thomas." Turning, he found Gregory standing in the doorway with a fearful look on his face.

"What is it? Can't you see I'm busy?"

"I do see that, Sir, but... you have a guest. In the drawing room." He gave the man a fed up and confused look.

"Send them away! I'm busy!"

"I can't send him away, Sir." The rat closed the space between them, wringing his hands the whole way. "It's Lord Lucifer, Sir." Speak of the Devil. Pentious grimaced and glanced at the door nervously. "What do we do?" Through everything, except for most of their alone times, of course, Gregory had been there to watch. Watch as he fell for a man with one of the biggest secrets they could have in Hell; power.

"Well, we can't send him away, and I can't ignore him until he leaves. I have to talk to him." He started for the door.

"What are you going to tell him?" Now that was the question, wasn't it? He didn't answer, because he didn't have an answer, and moved into the drawing room. Today he hadn't been working on anything in the lab, just rearranging, so he was perfectly fine to move about the house.

Entering the room, he found Lucifer lounging on the couch casually, simply waiting for him. The man smiled when he came in and motioned to a chair for him to sit. "Thomas, I'm sure you got my message, right?" How could he not have? The man knew better, but that's why he was asking.

"Of course."

"So you have something for me? A name, perhaps?" The man was all smiles, like he always was, and so Pentious forced a smile himself.

"It's been months, and I've delved into everything possible to find out who the Overlord of Drugs and Recreation actually is." He paused as a chill ran down his spine. He swore he felt someone brush his hood aside and lean against his back, and it made him almost reach back to swat the being away.

It's okay to lie to him, Thomas.

The words whispered in his ears like the wind. A culmination of noises that sounded like a thousand voices screaming in agony with each word. It breathed, it screamed, it echoed; demanding while begging, and he couldn't tell if he'd gone mad, or if it had been there. Lucifer cleared his throat and forced his attention back to him and Pentious shook his head. "I haven't..." A deep breath. "I haven't found any indication that there is another Overlord than Don Henroin. Every decision is made by him, every order given by him, and he garners all of the respect in the Family." He'd done it. He'd lied to the King of Hell, the Prince of Pride, the one and only Lord Lucifer. Was he mistaken, or did Lucifer's smile wane for just a split second.

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