~|Chapter 18|~

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A/N:okay this is gonna be differentt huh-

| Eric's POV |

(S- is stan K- is kyle)

-Goddammit! So fucking close! You fucking idiots! Its all your fucking fault!

S- How the fuck is it our fault? Take the blame for once oh my god.

K- Like, dude he wasnt wrong. YOU are the problem. Maybe if you werent-

-I am so done seriously. Oh my fucking god. Anyways why the HELL, was Kenny hanging out with that fag, Butters? (A/N: yes i can reclaim the slur im a gay man)

S-...Maybe its actually his boyfriend and you shou-

-HAH! Thanks Stan you made me laugh once again! DUDE THERE IS NO W A Y Kenny would be gay and if he was i doubt he would ever go out with that pathetic shit! He's probably just USING him like we did in middle school! I bet he will come running back to us after he dumps his ass!

K- Ugh..Thats not- whatever..

-Do you guys need anything else or are you just gonna follow me for the rest of the day like the pathetic little pussies you are?!

K- Cartman we are literally just going to our next class shut the fuck up.



S- Oh my god dont start again. Lets just head to class. We have the same class as Kenny so maybe you can talk to him there or whatever.

-Ugh whatever-

We walk into the classroom to notice that Kenny isnt even inside the classroom. Great that jerk is skipping AGAIN. Not only is he gonna be poor for the rest of his life but hes also gonna be uneducated and STUPID. Anyways, we get in our seats and I try to approach that bitch Butters.

- Heyyy Butters..whats up? How's life?

*He ignores him*

-Uh hello? Im talking to you?!

(teacher)- Mr Cartman if you want to have a chit chat you can leave my classroom now.

-Ugh whatever. I'll get you once break starts dont you worry..

Class was as boring as usual although i didnt even pay attention. But it had finally ended and it was my time to shine.

Since Butters was gonna ignore me i had to think of something else. So i just went to his locker while nobody was looking and left a nice note signed by "Kenny" HAH. I'm excited. You're gonna ignore me? You'll pay for that Butters..

A/N: sorry for the late updates and shitty chapters i really dont know where this story is gonna go-

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