Qui-Gon's guidance

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The story begins as it did originally in the Revenge of the Sith all the way to Anakin sitting in the Council Chambers after he told Master Windu Chanceller Palpatine's true identity but as he sat there he still couldn't shake the feeling what Palpatine told him that the dark side was the only way to save his wife Padme 

The story begins as it did originally in the Revenge of the Sith all the way to Anakin sitting in the Council Chambers after he told Master Windu Chanceller Palpatine's true identity but as he sat there he still couldn't shake the feeling what Pal...

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As he looked out to Padme's apartment where she looked out to the temple both feeling each other at a distance Anakin teared up

As he looked out to Padme's apartment where she looked out to the temple both feeling each other at a distance Anakin teared up

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And just when he turned he was about to exit the chambers until.....


That voice calling out to him made Anakin freeze just when he turned away from the windows

He turned back and saw nothing he was confused and thought he was hearing things he turns away again but heard that voice again


Spooked Anakin turned grabbing his lightsaber ready to ignite it but again saw nothing but this time Anakin called back to whoever or whatever was calling out to him 

Anakin: Who's there?! Show yourself!

It took a moment but the voice finally answered him 

Do not be afraid my old friend.

The voice now sounded familiar Anakin thought he was going crazy until right before his very eyes

The voice now sounded familiar Anakin thought he was going crazy until right before his very eyes

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