7 | Smoking and Straightners

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"Right so what I'm hearing from you is, Potter flung you into an abandoned classroom and demanded you never speak of Sirius again?"

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"Right so what I'm hearing from you is, Potter flung you into an abandoned classroom and demanded you never speak of Sirius again?"

"That's really not what happened Ri-"

"Okay not to that degree, but that's the general sense of it yeah?" Rich and her were sat by the Black Lake. They had a free period, just before their Transfiguration class. The Gryffindor held a cigarette between two of his fingers looking up to the sky as he went to take another puff of the cancerous stick.

"Pretty much- oh will you stop smoking that-" she shuffled away from him, Michelle hated the smell that cigarettes left lingering in the icy afternoon air. "If any teacher catches you smoking that, you can say bye bye to completing your NEWTS and bye bye to your future. And you can say hello to the streets. Cause if you get expelled for smoking that you won't complete your NEWTS so you won't get a job so you won't earn money so you won't have a house so you'll be stuck on your own!"

"Calm down 'Chelle," Rich squinted his left eye slightly as he looked across the mirror-esque lake "You have nothing to worry about, see if it makes you happy I'm done with this one." He stumped the cigarette out onto the tree that he resided next to, before throwing it into the body of water.

"That's littering, Rich."

"The Giant Squid has an appetite like nobodies business. It'll appreciate the little snack!" Rich laughed slightly turning to a non-amused Michelle.

They sat upon a thin layer of snow, the Black Lake had a thin, jelly-like substance that gently coated the waters. The blunt lay there for a few seconds, like a frog upon a lily pad it sat idly waiting for a fly to come. And sure enough, a tentacle broke through the slightly frozen water and scooped it inside. This made Rich cackle.

"SEE! I told you!"

"Do you really think that's good for the poor Squid?"

"Legend has it that things been there for 1000's of years, a bit of paper and tobacco won't kill it."



If Michelle was being honest, she really didn't want to meet with James. She felt so secure in her decision to expose him, but she just couldn't hype herself up to go. It was nearing 19:00 and James hadn't specified a time, so as she waited Michelle did something she did when she had pent up frustration.

She straightened her hair. The length of her hair didn't really change, it still sat just past her shoulders, but she enjoyed sliding colourful clips into her straight hair. When it was full of curls, the clips just made the top of her hair puff up and it irritated her to no end.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2023 ⏰

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