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Venti was starting to regret making that pinky promise. Specifically because he was now standing in front of the school, waiting for Xiao to accompany him home. When he wanted a boy to take him home he didn't mean it for such a platonic and boring gesture.

Like seriously? For music? Not for asking him on a date? This felt disrespectful. Though it was not.

But here he was, forcing a smile and pretending like his secret being known by someone (who wasn't his parents) was fine. It was not fine. It was far from fine. But acting was Venti's specialty.

"Xiao, hello," Venti greeted the blue haired boy when they were face to face.

Xiao showed no emotion and didn't respond, making Venti regret speaking.

"Ha—um," Venti cleared his throat. "So, I didn't bring it today," Venti whispered, "because of what happened on the roof," he spoke louder, "but it is at my house. So if you want to—"

Xiao walked in front of Venti and onto the sidewalk.

"Show me the way," Xiao told the boy.

Venti was stunned. He ran to the right. "It's over here!"


"Welcome to my humble abode," Venti says as he opened the front door.

Xiao looked around the house, looking at the blue walls and photos of Venti and his family on them. There was a grand piano in the corner of the living room, a single potted cecilia resting on the small table beside it. The house was clean and almost empty. Not at all what Xiao expected.

"Want to go to my room?" Venti asked.

Xiao nodded and followed Venti up the stairs and down the empty hallway. He turned right and walked into an aquamarine room.

The floor was white carpet; horrible first mistake. The walls had posters of Taylor Swift, AURORA and Conan Gray. Xiao made no comment. When he looked at Venti's bed he noticed that there was a red comforter complimenting a white pillow. In a green room? Second mistake.

Venti moved over to his bed, going on his knees, bending his body to reach underneath. He pulled out two instruments, a lyre and his flute. Venti pushed the lyre back under the bed, sitting on top as he opened up the flute case, putting it together.

Xiao closed the door behind him and sat next to Venti as the boy braced himself to play the instrument.

Venti blew through the hole, his fingers pressing onto the keys with perfect accuracy. It was relaxed and collected. The flute sent chills down Xiao's back, almost making him lean in further. But right when he got intrigued, Venti stopped playing.

"Huh?" Xiao was confused.

Venti began cleaning his flute with a stick and a cloth, right before putting it back in the case.

He pulled his phone out of his back pocket, turning it on with a click right before turning it off again and setting it beside him. Venti sighed. "It's... my mom's going to be home soon and I didn't really ask for anyone to be allowed over so..."

"I can't be here?" Xiao asked.

"No no no no no!" Venti smiled, pushing his flute next to his phone. "I didn't mean it that way. It's just—" Venti paused, looking in his mind to find the right words. "I need to ask my parents for permission for things and I didn't for this and they might take it horribly and then I'll get grounded. You know?"

"Oh," Xiao frowned. He nodded. "Okay."

Venti's heart dropped. He leaned over to Xiao, frowning. "You can come back! This was just so sudden, I'll have to ask my parents."

Xiao looked at Venti. Their eyes locking. This time Venti could see his face in whole. And hot damn was it attractive.

"I..." Venti cleared his throat. "I'll ask if you can come to—"

All of a sudden Venti's bedroom door shot open, making Venti jump away from Xiao in shock. Xiao turned to look at the door, seeing a young lady with black hair standing there. She had no emotion, probably shocked.

"Mom—" Venti began but was ultimately cut off.

He watched his mother turn around and walk away. "If you want your boyfriend over, be my guest! Leave the door open! I do not want grandchildren."


"YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN!" His mother shouted back.

Xiao smiled. "Should I go?"

Venti turned back to look Xiao in the eyes. "Well, she knows now. So she won't kick you out. She's nice like that, I guess."

Xiao nodded in understanding.

"Well," Venti cleared his throat, "we have food if you want some."

Xiao took a thought for a moment. "Okay."


"Wait," Amber began. "You have Venti's number?"

"Yes," Xiao replied.

"And—and you didn't get help from him?" Amber pointed at Kaeya who was sitting across the table.

"Apparently not..." Kaeya frowned. "Such a shame, too... I had so many plans to get them together."

"Oh please," Albedo said under his breath.

"Did you say something?" Kaeya turned to look Albedo in the eyes.

Albedo smiled. "Those plans were my experiments. You were my... assistant."

Kaeya scoffed.

"Anyways," Amber interrupted. "Are you going to talk to him? Text him? Go on a date with him? If he gave it to you then he totally likes you."

Xiao shook his head. "We only have an agreement. It's nothing about romance."

Albedo eyed Xiao with a smirk.

"Oh." Amber cleared her throat. "Well, there's nothing wrong with that. Friendship is equally as important as... um. At least you have another friend!"

Xiao was silent.

"...Well, this surly is... awkward," Albedo said suddenly.

He picked up his apple juice and took a loud sip.

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