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Sitting on the bench a couple who lost their 5 year old child only a year ago look out at the children hoping to find the right child to take. "Mama, mama look what I can do." A little boy screams at his mother but she wasn't looking at him to busy writing things down, the little boy looked sad "Charles look the poor boy he only wants to show his mother something and she won't even bother looking up." Charles looks at the boy and feels terrible for him but then gets an idea "What if we get him his hair might be blond but we can always dye it black." Annie looks at her husband and smiles "Really Charles you mean it." Her husband looks at her and smiles brightly "I do honey I do, now let's go get our boy." They both get up and start walking towards him "Hello." Annie says to the boy "Hi." The little boy reply's "What's your name?" The little boy looks down "Mama said to never talk to strangers." "Well my name is Annie and this is Charles see now we aren't strangers." The little boy looks up "My name is James" "Well James how would you like to go get some ice cream with me and Annie." Charles asks James "But what about my mama." "Don't worry Jamie your mama knows your coming with us." James laughs a little and Annie smiles brightly "What is it Jamie." James smiles brightly and laughs more "You called me Jamie." Charles smiles at the sight of his wife so happy "Well let's get a move on gang." James gets off the playground and holds Annie's and Charles's  hand "Mama always said to hold an adults hand so I won't get lost or taken by bad people." The irony in that statement made them both cringe a bit but knowing they would have a child again makes them happy. Once they get to their car Annie opens the door for James and buckles him up "You ready Jamie." Charles asks James looks at him and smiles brightly that it was infectious "Yeah let's go get some ice cream." The couple laughed at the boys excitement and then started driving. While driving James looks out the window and sees the ice cream shop but then gets confused as they past it and then he noticed that they didn't say anything anymore "We aren't getting ice cream are we." James said in a nervous tone they don't answer him so he just sits there panicking, after a while in the car he starts to fall asleep he never thought this would happen but his dumb six year old brain just got excited for ice cream. Once he fell asleep both Charles and Annie turn to the boy and smile softly, in the next couple of minutes they arrived at their home outside of town where no one can hear them. Charles picks up James and carry's him up into James new bedroom Annie pulls the blanket back then tucks him in, they close the door and lock it Annie turns to Charles and smiles "We finally have him." Charles kisses Annie and they both then walked into their bedroom to fall asleep.

(The next morning)

When James wakes up he notices he's not in his bedroom he gets up and heads for the door and try to open it just to find it locked, he starts yanking on it until he fell to the ground he found trying again useless so he went to the window and just stared out, he heard foot steps coming closer to the door, he heard the lock shake until the door opened showing Charles and Annie "Where you trying to get out." James doesn't bother to answer which angered Charles "Did you try and leave your room James." Charles asked again this time James answers "Yes I did you took me from my mama." Annie and Charles sighed "She's not your mama Annie is. Your supposed mama didn't even bother looking for you she didn't even leave that park until 11 o'clock." James's eyes widen and tears started forming. "Oh honey you don't need her, I'm your mama now." James just started crying but noticed that the door was open and he just tried to run out of the room, key word tried, Charles chased him and grabbed him before he even made it to the door way "Now where do you think your going." Charles picks him up and James is just kicking the air trying to see if get himself out of his hold. They went down the stairs and walked to a door Annie opened the door and all James could see was pitch black going down, Charles starts going down the stairs and Annie turns the lights on there's a single bed with a blanket and pillow on it that was all. James saw this and freaked and started squirming Charles placed him on the bed and James sat there looking around frantically "You are not leaving this room until you understand that we are your parents." Charles turns around and then Annie approached him "Jamie, sweetheart, all we want is you to be happy with us we care so much for you." She places a kiss on his forehead and leaves with Charles but what James didn't know is that they were going to leave him in the dark for days.

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