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The next morning James didn't want to get out of bed he was wondering what happened when he went downstairs. He suddenly falls back to sleep and wakes up until he is shaken softly, when he cracks his eyes open he sees his mama he groans and covers himself with his blanket "Come on baby time to get up." James groans again "mama five more minutes." His blanket is pulled back and he opens his eyes to see his smiling mother "Well then I don't think you'll get your papas pancakes." That's what gets James up and Annie laughing he ran down the stairs to see his papa in the kitchen making pancakes "Hey kiddo thought you would be up earlier." James grumbled saying something about being tired "Well your pancakes are on the table." James sits down and starts shoving the hole pancake in his mouth Charles looks at his 'son' and chuckles "Slow down there champ the pancakes aren't going anywhere." James looks up at his 'father' glares a bit which surprises Charles since James never acts like this "What's up with you kiddo?" James swallows the pancake he had in his mouth "What were you and mama doing last night that there was a little boy crying." Charles stops everything he was doing and starts asking James a million questions on what he heard and if he saw anything else, Annie could hear the loud voice of her husband from upstairs so she heads downstairs to see her husband bombarding her 'son' with questions "Charles what going on?" "Well our son was questioning what we were doing last night." Annie looked at her husband 'like are you serious' so she walks up to her son and raps her arms around him "Jamie baby why don't you take a walk outside." James sat up excitedly and went to get his shoes once he had them on and was at the door his mother called out to him "Just don't go to far baby you know where you can and can't go." "I know mama, I love you." "Love you too baby." James runs out of the house until he reaches the woods part of his home. He walks through the woods but forgets that he pasted the area where he is allowed to go, he finds a lake with a small dock he decided to go sit on the dock and put his feet in the water.
While James was sitting on the dock he saw yellow tape and men and women with uniforms surrounding an are next to where he was, he turned to look at the men and women in uniforms and weird suits but then he noticed they were looking at him too. He turns quickly and started looking around him, he then heard footsteps behind him he turned his head to see a really pretty women with blonde hair and an older man with a suit they'd started walking towards him and once they reached him the really pretty woman spoke "Hello." "Hi" James spoke back to the woman softly but with his deep raspy voice which must have surprised her "What's your name sweetheart." James looks at her with his big blue eyes but looks away.

I saw a boy go sit at the docks and stick his feet in the water and in which I wasn't the only one "Hey guys is he supposed to be here." Spencer pointed out, the boy started to look around the area and then his eyes landed on us I guess he saw us because he quickly turned around. "Hotch why don't we go and check him out see if he saw anything." "Good idea J.J. Everyone else you look around the area to see if you find anything." The rest of the team nods, me and Hotch head over to the boy who doesn't even look back as we walk to him "Hello." I told him "Hi." He responded but his voice is something you wouldn't expect it's a deep and raspy voice he looked young "What's your name sweetheart." He turns around and looks at me with these big blue eyes that could be like the color of the sky. "My mama said never talk to strangers." He looks away I head to sit next to him I turn my head to look at him but he doesn't look at me "My names J.J. And that's Hotch and we are with the FBI." He looks at me confused "What's the FBI?" Which is something that surprised me since Henry who is only 3 knows about the FBI but this older child doesn't know "It's a agency funded by the government." He said a quiet oh and still doesn't look at me "Do you know what happened here?" I asked softly she had a feeling as if he was younger mentally than he is supposed to be "No, I'm not really allowed to leave home without permission from mama or papa." He told me I turned to look at Hotch with a spooked look 'What is going on at home with him' I thought "But I did see him in mama and papas living room at home last night." I turned quickly back to the boy and softly responded to him "Honey why don't you come with us." He turned to me with fear in his eyes "Nothing is going to happen to you, we are just going into town and then we can call your mama and papa is that ok." The boy nodded slowly he slowly got up and held out a hand for me 'Well he's a gentleman' I grabbed his offered hand and once I got up he didn't let go I turned to him confused "Mama said to never let go of an adults hand so the bad men won't take me away." I could feel Hotch's eyes on us this worries me something is definitely wrong here, I don't let go of his hand the whole way go the station. Once we got to the station I saw Rossi I motioned for him to come here, once he got to us I introduced them "James this is Agent Rossi he's going to take you to a room and ask you some questions." Rossi looks confused "God I forgot he might know something he said that Greg (the little boy from last chapter) was in his parents living room." Rossi nodded "Let's go kid I think I can hook you up with some nice hot chocolate how does that sound." The boys eyes lit up "Sweetie first I think you should tell us your name so we just don't call you kid." I tell the boy he turns to me a bit scared but relaxed "Mama said not to tell people because the scary people might come and take me away." Rossi narrows his eyes "We'll make sure that the scary people won't come for you we promise." The boy looks down and looked like he was thinking a bit and then looks back up and sighs "ok but you have to promise not to tell mama and papa." I've noticed that most of the station started looking towards our conversation small towns can do that but it would be weird since it's a small town wouldn't they know who he is "We promise kid." Rossi promised him "My names James but my mama likes to call me Jamie." Our eyes widen a bit this just complicated a lot of things and then we heard something fall behind us I turn to see a woman she's beautiful she has golden blond hair and the bluesy eyes just like James "Is that my baby, David tell me that's my baby." Rossi motioned me with his head to to take James to the office "Nora we can....." and that's all we heard from that conversation I lead James to a couch in the office "Can I call my mama now?" He tilted his head just like a little boy would "in a little bit ok James I just have to ask you some questions is that ok." James nods "Ok well do you know why that little boy was in your parents living room." He shook his head "No but I was asleep and I woke up because I heard a loud noise so I went to look for mama and papa." He looked a bit scared for the next part "What else happened James you can tell me anything." "Well papa got mad at me when I brought it up when he was making pancakes, I like it when he makes pancakes he only makes them when something special is going to happen." That statement got me intrigued "Well what happened last time you got pancakes?" "Well last time I got pancakes I got a new sibling then they disappeared after a few days he didn't look so happy." My heart started racing I go to where the files were and pulled some pictures and started showing them to him "James can you point out which one is your brother." He looks and looks until he stopped on one "That's him that's my brother his name was Patrick." My eyes went wide, this could be Rossi's lost son. "Jonathan where's my son." I hear a woman scream out this time it wasn't the same woman from before no this was a different woman she was beautiful as well she had platinum blond hair and was average hight "Annie I don't know where your son is but if you can tell me his name I can check the books." I turn to see James perk up and smile he gets up and stands at the door way "mama." James smiled the woman whose name is Annie looks behind the officer and ran towards James "Oh my baby, I told you not to wander off far Jamie." James ducks his head down "I'm sorry mama I just wanted to explore." Annie sighs "That's alright baby you missed worried me and your papa." All the officers were puzzled by this sight "Mama I have to answer questions the nice lady is asking me so can you wait in the car with papa." Annie looked puzzled "Jamie we have to leave. Now." James looked nervous "But mama it's rude to not answer questions." "Jamie..." Annie started looking a bit angry which apparently scare James this must not happen often so I decided to step in "Hello ma'am my name is Jennifer I'm with the FBI I just had some questions for your son he was around an area where a body of a little boy was found." That appearance in her facial expression changed rapidly from angry to nervous "Well I don't think it's wise enough for you to ask my son about it he's never really outside, it was nice meeting you Jennifer but it seems that me and my son have to leave now, Jamie baby it's time to go." James reluctantly went but before he left the office we were in he turned to me and smiles "You are a very pretty woman Ms. J.J." And then he walks away before I had any time to react I got a phone call "It's J.J." "Guess who speed up the process of a face ager." "I'm going to guess you Garcia." I hear a laugh from the other side of the phone "Yes it was I, so anyway I aged up Rossi's maybe late son and might I say if he was not taken or maybe dead he would be a snack that boy would be very attractive." I rolled my eyes "Thank you Garcia." "Sending to you now The queen is out." Garcia hung up the phone and in comes Rossi with Hotch "Garcia speed up the process she aged him up from six to what seems for him to be 23 now. She sent it right about.... Now" a ding went off on the computer and in comes a picture a picture of the boy who just left to is office with the woman who took him as a baby James Rossi. Rossi's eyes started to tear up "I just met my son and I didn't know it was him." He sat down in a chair and he turns to computer to stare at the picture of his son as maybe he would disappear but seeing the odds now it would possibly happen. I Motion for hotch to follow me out of the room so Rossi and be alone with the picture of his son.

Good morning or goodnight to who ever is reading this thanks for reading this new chapter worked really hard as I should be sleeping now since I have school tomorrow but who cares anyway thanks for reading below there will be the outfits for both ...

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Good morning or goodnight to who ever is reading this thanks for reading this new chapter worked really hard as I should be sleeping now since I have school tomorrow but who cares anyway thanks for reading below there will be the outfits for both James, Charles (Will me wearing pijamas) and Annie since well if you watch criminal minds you'll already know what they wear. Thx for reading and don't forget to vote and comment your support means a lot to me love you all.

James's outfit 👇🏻

And Annie's outfit you can choose from these three

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Annie's outfit you can choose from these three

And Annie's outfit you can choose from these three

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2022 ⏰

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